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- (Trigger warning) PTSD after being stabbed
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(Trigger warning) PTSD after being stabbed
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Yes im hurting a little Croix but not as much as my mind i will get over this maybe it will take my nightmares away to someting else dream off thats sudden stop and air bag smashing into my face i had a good look at photos this fella took for me i very lucky my seat mechanism failed and seat went flying forward i will hobble around for few days should be ok they said whip lash could set in its not uncommon for it to take few days im hoping thats not the case but i survived another hard hit definitely got a purpose that needs filling before i say good bye to this world
Take care i thought 2017 was going to be my year well its not over yet hey
Regards Jason thanks for being there Croix and crew your all golden
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Jase, hopefully you are not physically hurt to much?
Use this time in hospital to just have a break. Let the nurses look after you. Get some good sleep (if you can with injuries?). It can be used to give your brain a rest for a day or two, or however long you are in there.
When I first crashed with PTSD i was hospitilised for nearly two weeks. It was explained to me that the hospitilisation was designed to "let the dust settle" and looking back now, that is exactly what it did. It allowed me to just chill and reset. Even though it appears that you are in there for physical injuries, you can do the same. Reset.
This will be cold comfort to you at this stage, but I am just thankful that you were not seriously hurt or killed in the accident. Cars can be replaced, you cannot. Even though you are extremely low on funds, there will be a day where you will get another car.
Keep with us Jase. Keep fighting.
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Hi Mark and crew
Hope your all doing fine im at home i didnt want to go to hospital but when the polce arrived the said please go get yourself checked over i did that now im home so sore everywere but that will pass its only physical week at the most back to brand new again
The police from local station rang me up in hospital and asked me to do few things whilst i was in there i just can not remember on off the nurses got me really upset when i asked please my batterie is dead on phone and i need to nake contact with some friends to arrange to get picked up she said use our phone , need charge to retrieve numbers she oh well not hear to charge peoples phone this is a hospital i said the doctor who stiched my hsnd uo said no probs can do for you she said well im not the doctor and had a giggle i lost it just wanted out of there after that aspecialy when i over heard her say that i have been rude to everyone all the nursing staff it was only her everyone else was cool but realized i got to get out of here how dare she add that i was rude to everyone this is why i did not want to go in the first place
The police were very nice to me i cant even remember the ladys name im so sore can hardly move and really dont want to think about any off this or ring anyone i have doctors appointment today i caint leave the house in this condition im so stressed out its only a thought but wish i could just dissappear be with my Dad and Grandad
Take care Mark and every one wish i could send some photos somehow off the rainbows and make you all one so you could give to some off the little peoples in your families
Regards Jason
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Hi Dools
Thank for you post im very soar right now and wont be leaving home for some time im recovering
Best wishes
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Jase, rest up mate.
Perhaps dream up some new rainbow designs?
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Hi Jason,
If you become too sore and uncomfortable, please return tot he hospital. Injuries can sometimes take a day or two or even longer to show themselves. I have been in 3 car accidents so have some idea of what happens after you have had a sudden impact like that!
Sounds like the police and most of the hospital staff were helpful. Don't let the attitude of one nurse put you off from searching for help if you need it.
Do you have someone there who can keep an eye on you? I understand your need to get out of the hospital, just remember once again that if you need to return, please do so.
Ah, life can suck sometimes hey! I remember the first car accident I was in. My sister was driving my boyfriend's car. She skidded off the road, hit a gum tree and 7 of us ended up in various states of pain and injuries! That was back in the day's when Noah was a lad and cars didn't have seat belts!
Really do hope yo mend okay after this accident Jason!
Cheers for now from Dools
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Hi Dools and crew
I will be ok thanks for all your concerns,i find that the longer i sit still the harder it is to get moving this morning when i woke up was not to sure if i could actually get up to get out off bed so ended up rolling out very soar first thing this morning. My neck is getting really stiff not soar just painfull when moving from left to right gee i tell you i do feel like i been in a car crash and the pain is that spread but i think my hips,ankle plus chest copped it the worst feel like a old man right now so i just keeping on moving hoping that will speed things up and can get back in the water for a wave next couple of days
Take care all
Thanks Jason
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Hiya Jason, I heard you had an accident so wanted to pop back and send you my love and very best wishes. Goodness! What a thing to happen eh! I am so glad you're in one piece mate, sorry you're hurting though.
You've got a good attitude there though mate - get back in the water or just do whatever you can while you're healing. Keep focused on getting better and all the positives you can think of.
I'm not around much at the moment, should be back properly soon. But know that I'm thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery.
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Jase, the impact that accidents have on the body are massive so you are bound to be sore! Don't rush anything, let it heal.
When you can do it safely, definitely get into the water. If not for a surf as you may not be able to, but to just lay there in the water. That will be a real mind/body/soul moment of time.
Salt water is awesome for sore bodies and if there are small waves that can hit you, kind of like natures massage.
The smell and sounds of the beach will be awesome for you. That is your place. You own that.
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Hi Jason,
I"m just checking in to see how things are, nothing really to say except hoping you are on the mend.
Take care