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Thinking about death.... all the time...

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi all

I've been struggling for 3 weeks with suicidal thoughts

My new GP is amazing

He tells me to think of suicidal thoughts as a symptom maybe a solution

Could he be right?

Today he assigned someone to give me a call to check in on my safety. I don't think that will happen. I've not received the call.
Small things like this lead to rage, hurt and fear for me.

And so I am left to deal with the thoughts alone.

948 Replies 948

HI Shell, wishing you a beautiful day. Hope u get some tea sometime 🙂

Thanks for your comforting wishes. Noticing the colours and trees is very soothing. I like this part of the year. It's not warm but not too wet and rainy yet, so You can still rug up and sit outside.

Saw my doctor today and was a bit anxious. I was 20 minutes late. I have asked two friends if they could help out by giving me a lift next week. I struggle driving with the traffic and am worried about coming late and missing the appointment. It means i have a shorter appointment so I'm sort of sabotaging myself.

Speaking of soup and mushrooms I went to a wholefoods dinner place and I told them I love mushrooms. They showed me a box they have of mushrooms to make up new dishes. The mushrooms were huge, like the size of a beachball! And light in colour.
I'd never seen anything like that!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

hi Shelll i apologise if my response re the airconditioner seemed blunt...

Hi all

Worked today for the first day in a long time. It was really triggering and hard. I am really proud that after work I went to a coffee shop and journalled for about half an hour.

I saw my brother briefly and also my friend, who asked me to stay for dinner, but I declined.
I felt good to visit just briefly, and hate feeling like i'm lingering or they have to invite me.

Tomorrow I will try a new MH group. I hope it's okay. I've tried a few recently but I haven't found one I like.

I've found art groups kind of unhelpful because there is always an emphasis on making "pretty" things.
And it's not where i'm at.

Feeling really sad lately about not being able to speak to my parents, who are abusive.

Today I was really sad.
I kept thinking "It's not possible to make it out (of MH chaos) on ur own. Why did I think I could?"

I feel like my parents wanted me to fail and were very disappointed generally when I did well at anything.

I wander if they're happy now, that i'm gone, and they don't speak to me. I imagine them very happy.

My brother said he will come visit again tomorrow but who knows.

Hey Sleepy,

We're so glad that you were able to practice some self care after a difficult return to work today. That is something to be proud of, something that you have been able to do for yourself through the MH chaos. 

We want you to know that your presence is appreciated here on the forums - it is likely that your friend and your brother both appreciated your presence today too during your visits.

These thoughts about your parents sound very difficult. We know that you already know about them, but please do get in touch with Lifeline if you need to talk these thoughts out (13 11 14).

Thanks for checking in here Sleepy. Please feel free to keep talking if it's helpful for you.

Hello Sleepy, just wanted you to know that I have popped in and read some. As you popped into my thoughts. I have no idea what to say. But I do care about you. Just wanted you to know that is all.

And no I didn't see any bluntness

Shelley xx

Hey Sleepy,

Just thinking of you, wondering how you're going today? No need to reply if you're not if the mood though 🙂

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Sleepy I hope things are ok for you.Thinking of you.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Sleepy. I'm new to this thread and haven't been on the forums for a little while, but just wanted to say and reach out to see how you're going. Sounds like from your last post, things are difficult for you at the moment. Have you joined the new MH group yet? Sometimes it feels good to talk to some new people and hear fresh perspectives.

Please let us know how you're going and how you're feeling. We are here for you.

Hey Sleepy,

Wow I don't know why its taken me so long to catch up but I'm here now- thankyou for your earlier post saying you missed me being around, thats really sweet.

It sounds like things are really moving and changing for you- thats awesome! And also really challenging. Its no wonder you're having some challenging thoughts, perhaps as you work out your new paradigm, or frame for understanding the world.

Ok, so there was a bit in your last post. I picked up that you're feeling a bit alone, is that right? Which can be extra challenging when we're changing, or experiencing new things, like your first day at work for awhile (Yay! Go you!) and when we haven't quite found a good fit in some areas. You spoke of not finding a suitable art group ( I agree, totally not interested in creating 'pretty'!!!) And trying a new MH group. That really shows your strength and resilience, the fact that you continue to search, and try new things. Thats the only way you're going to find something that suits, so good on you! Of course, you may not find something that suits you, which will probably be more about funding guidelines than anything else, so do not dispair! You are not alone! You may just belong to a group of people that aren't in the funding spotlight at the moment. Especially with art therapy, these things are always changing, and totally dependent upon passionate ppl to access the funding (if available) and make it happen. My art group which i used to attend was very special- the 'teacher' did not charge for his time, as he recognised that the money factor creates a whole host of problems! And so it was a free art space, in a lovely partly outdoor environment, and totally unique. Saved my life I think. I only found out about it by buying art supplies at a local art supply shop, and asking.

families. Hmm. whole different box of dice. Or just another f word I think Em says lol 😉

Your words indicate a need for your parents approval, which I totally get. Its natural I think to want our parents to celebrate our achievements, and enjoy our presence. Just becos your folks don't show they care, doesn't mean they don't. I have had similar thoughts to you, about my parents enjoying my absence, being left with more time for my sibs. My mum recently thanked me for a phone call, in quite a heartfelt way, which has made me question that assumption.

Has your mum ever said anything to make you think she does care? I know your dad seems quite cold......

Talk soon,



thanks shelly, that is so sweet of u to say

I feel very cared about and supported.

You are kind to think of me 🙂 it's been so cold here, i've got the heater on and waiting for a new pair of pants to come from ebay... i hope they fit! Just use a little portable heater and waiting to see if a new one gets installed still! Hope u've been enjoying ur walks... do u like this weather? It's quite beautiful in it's own way, and not yet too cold, although I think soon it will be freezing before we know it!!

hope ur smiling and well

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Boudaica, how are u?

things have been hard, but i'm trekking on.
Have to remember that it's still early days and i can't build rome in a day...

So it's okay if thngs are meh. Still really sucks at times, though. Hard.

I've been enjoying the winter/autumn sun under some glorious trees. Grateful to have that experience and stillness, even though everythng is so rough otherwise