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I just don't know anymore
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I have been reading many threads, which makes me feel not so alone. I've had depression for 30 yrs. the last 5yrs have been chronic, that's why I'm in a nursing home.( no where else to go) I could not look after myself anymore. I have lost (commission unit)my unit my car and my baby dog. After many shock treatments, I am on medication which is keeping stable. I just don't have a life anymore. So alone. (Have lost my friends as I was out of action. I'm sure u guys can relate. I struggle with society that they just don't get it, what do we have to do to let them know this is REAL.( as if one could pretend with this illness) I don't think so!!! I really don't have a life
anymore. Being in a nursing home does not help cause when I leave my room I see so many older people around. It does not help my depression at all. That's all for now.thank you for ur time, looking forward to some replies.
my thread name is chrissy1 which some of you may have seen.
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Hi. Chrissy,
i am 66 nearly 67.i shock myself to say it. I no longer work and am struggling to manage. Yes i do have my own thread, Struggling to go on. A bit of my story is there and my current situation. I like your stories of your fingernails. I dont paint mine anylonger. Well rarely, but i do paint my toenails and i like hot pink it cheers me to see them shining at me.
dont feel that hou have to respond or come up with new stuff. I am happy to follow the thread and am interested in how you are going. To be in a nursing home in your 60s must really be a struggle. I like old people, well i am one, but i dont about being surrounded by the infirmed aged, you need to have interactions with others as well.
your daughter sounds lovely.
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Hello Tess
so nice to hear from you. I think we have a lot in common. I’m so sorry ur struggling, it’s hard. I’ve been on a disability pension for 25yrs. It’s never easy.
i mainly get my nails done as a treat, they do look nice and makes me feel good. I’m glad u understand how I feel in the nursing home, this is awful but most of these people are going to die before me, that’s why I don’t want to be to close, if u know what I mean. So how do u fill in ur days? Today I going to try and start a jigsaw puzzle. Fingers crossed. That’s all for now
take care💕
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Hello Karen
thank you for my nice flowers, so nice of u. How are u going I do hope ur okay. Had two nice meals here today, schnitzel, and spaghetti bowl, they out did themselves. I went out yesterday,for a visit to a worker from the nursing home, it was a nice change just a few hours. Not much else happening
take care💕
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Hello stormcloudz
how are u going Thank for my flowers and stamp cool. The roasts are awful, u can have mine any day. They are steamed cardboard meat and soft vegs. They call that roast. I have started a jigsaw puzzel I’m going to try real hard. Honestly how ridiculous a jig saw puzzel?..Are u doing anything this weekend? It sure is getting colder. I’ve said this before but I can stay in bed more when it’s cold I don’t feel so guilty if u know what I mean. That’s all for now.
take care💕
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Hello Chrissy,
Thank you Chrissy, I so wish I could give you a bunch of real flowers..I'm doing okay Chrissy, thank you very much for asking, I hope your doing okay.🦋.
I think schnitzels are the best, yummy and spaghetti Bol. as well, maybe they have a new cook..both are yummy meals..
Im happy for you that you got away from the nursing home for a few hours, change of scenery and talking to someone does make us feel better..
I had a lovely day today and yesterday, the weather has been beautiful days, like spring, the winter sun feels so relaxing as it warms my skin..I just sat out front and was looking at the empty acres across the road when all of a sudden, there was 6 sheep 🐑 grazing on the land....I think the sheep are escapees from another property...I like watching animals, because they always look peaceful.
I hope you have a lovely night, Chrissy, and thank you very much for your post..I feel lonely today, and not many people are talking today on the forums that I'm comfortable talking with.....
Enjoy your Night, Chrissy..look after yourself...Sleep well and dream nice dreams..
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Hi Chrissy
Eww, that roast doesn't sound so good after all ; )
I also had spaghetti last night. I do like it, there's so many ways it can be dressed up.
How is the jigsaw going? Do you find it a struggle to concentrate, or is it a good distraction? By the way, it's not ridiculous at all - jigsaws are good for cognitive function, and even if they weren't, anything that gives you a bit of entertainment no matter how mild is a good thing.
I do know what you mean about the cold days - I have also been in bed today, it's warm! I haven't done anything much at all today, so we are in the same boat : )
Glad to hear you went to visit one of the staff, is it someone you like? And how do you get there, is there transport provided?
Sending you some warm thoughts and maybe a nice cup of tea.
PS Grandy glad that your day was OK yesterday. I also like sheep, and all animals really.
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Hi Chrissy,
i hope the jigsaw is going well. I think they are a great activity. I don’t do them mind, I am not patient enough.
i pass my days trying to keep my home clean etc. But since I have sold it and am waiting to move it is hard to keep interested in it. I am also looking for somewhere new to go to. Which is rather dispiriting. I like to knit so I do that mainly in the evenings when I watch tele. It keeps my mind and my hands occupied. I am also a reader, but have not read much lately. When I have moved I hope to go back to some work , part time.
I am working hard on keeping positive thoughts, but it is hard sometimes. I struggle and my anxiety can get very intense.
I hope you have had a restful Sunday
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Hello Karen,Mandy,Stormancloudz and Tess Birdy
hope are all doing well. It’s so nice to have some kind friends. My jigsaw is going slowly, but it’s good I get out of my room. I don’t think of told u all, this is a large nursing home. There 220 residents and has three floors. On my level at the end of the hall there is coffee area and u can see Mt Dandenong in the distance. The sad part is that they are going to build another nursing home which is going to take the view away. This is so sad.
i really appreciate ur reply’s. I hope u are all travelling okay
take care❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Agh, that's horrible losing the view! I'm losing mine at work too, but that's not the same really. I hope you enjoy Mt Dandenong in the meantime.
220 people, that is quite a big place, about the size of a boarding school. It's good there is a coffee area so that you can sit outside your room, it gets tiring to be in one spot. Do you have your own room, and is it on the top level?
I'm glad the jigsaw is going OK. Can you tell what it shows yet?
I don't have much news, other than that I had a very nice chocolate biscuit with choc chips in it today : )
I hope to go see a film on the weekend. Not sure what yet...
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Hello Stormcloudz
nice to hear from u. I am on the 3rd floor, which is good. Yes I do have my own room, it has own heating and air condioning. My puzzel is okay, getting harder, I’m trying to preserve at present.
i got a nice surprise yesterday, I have finally got a volunteer, and she does seem lovely, only time will tell, fingers crossed. I will be seeing on Thursdays for an hour or more. It already feels good to have something to look forward too.
what movie are u going to see? I would like to see Oceans 8 Do u have to travel far to work. What sort of work do u do?
thats all for now
take care💕