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I just don't know anymore
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I have been reading many threads, which makes me feel not so alone. I've had depression for 30 yrs. the last 5yrs have been chronic, that's why I'm in a nursing home.( no where else to go) I could not look after myself anymore. I have lost (commission unit)my unit my car and my baby dog. After many shock treatments, I am on medication which is keeping stable. I just don't have a life anymore. So alone. (Have lost my friends as I was out of action. I'm sure u guys can relate. I struggle with society that they just don't get it, what do we have to do to let them know this is REAL.( as if one could pretend with this illness) I don't think so!!! I really don't have a life
anymore. Being in a nursing home does not help cause when I leave my room I see so many older people around. It does not help my depression at all. That's all for now.thank you for ur time, looking forward to some replies.
my thread name is chrissy1 which some of you may have seen.
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Hi Karen
so glad to hear from u I was so lucky had a bbq at daughters Saturday. It was so Yummy. U miss all these when they are not available. I struggled to go, but I made it. It's so sad u lost ur friends, I feel for u, especially in ur circumstances, when u needed them. It's not fair. It's all too much. U said u can talk into ur iPad how cool. I only have an iPad too. Do u have a computer ?
It's nice and cool again. I will be sending u prayers. How are u going? is it getting easier yet
take care x
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Hi Chrissy,
Im so pleased you managed to go to your daughters for a BBQ on Saturday, i can pick up in your words that you had a great time..I'm so happy for you...There's a thread hear called "Store your happy memories" it's a place to store happy memories and people will go in and read, sometimes it can brighten there day because it helps them remember their happy memories..
Yes it's hard when you loose people you love, It hurts really deep. Leaves a void in your life.
I do have a computer, but prefer to use my iPad.
Oh thank goodness for the cooler weather, the heat doesn't agree with me, cooler night means a better sleep.
I have another thread about Pets, if you want some light reading there are some really lovely stories about pets in there, If you have a story about a pet you once had. your welcome to write it in there..only if want to..
Thank you very much for sending me some prayers I really appreciate that..
thank you for writing to me I appreciate it so much.
I hope you are doing well, and please feel free to post in any thread you would like to..
Kindness only,
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Hi karen
i so look forward to ur replies, some thing to look forward too. I did have a pet dog,, tess but it still hurts it's been 5 yrs, still not over her. They really do mean a lot.
are u going to darts, hopefully ur up to it. My daughter has a new boyfriend, he seems a real gem, hard to find these days, I actually saw my daughter Rachel have a real laugh, I've never saw her happy with her ex. He is being so supportive to her, he cooked the Bbq too when I walked in the door he called me mum that was so nice. It made me feel really good.
getting warmer again, are u up to much? I'm going to buy a new iPad mine is out of date. So that will be good
take care x
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Hello Chrissy,
Im sorry it's been a while since I posted to you, How are you feeling, I hope you are feeling a little better then yesterday...
Im so pleased Rachel has found someone nice, and he makes her laugh, when we see our children laugh it warms our heart deeply with joy..
Awe how really nice he sound, and respectful thats Gold him calling you mum..I bet you felt really cared for when he cooked a wonderful and I bet yummy BBQ for you all. I'm so very happy for your daughter and you..
Im not sure about darts, there are some issues that I need to sort out in my head first..Inlike playing but I'm concerned about what happened last time..
I hope you don't mind but I invited some people to pop over and say hello to you, they are super beautiful people, I hope they come then we can all talk..
When is your daughter coming again for a visit? I hope you are doing okay.. looking forward to hearing back from you,
Kind thoughts,
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Hi karen
thank you for ur reply, always nice to hear from u. Rachel is not too good she is having a test, bladder and kidneys, today, can’t wait to get results. My mind is blank. Yesterday Rachel and I went out to lunch which was nice. I sent u a thread about mobility allowance if u work 8hrs a week u can claim. and receive $84. 00 a fortnight. For mobility.
i haven’t seen that thread yet.?
take care x
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Hello Dear Chrissy,
Awe Chrissy, I'm so sorry to hear you daughter Rachel, is having tests and not doing to well. I pray that everything will bo good for you both. ❤️.
Thank you for you information on mobility allowance, unfortunately I work only 6 hours per week..
lunch sounds great, did you continue to do your finger nails and if so what colour, Arevyou going to Rachel's place for Easter?
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Hi karen
not sure about Easter yet if I’m going to Rachel or not. I don’t think she has the kids.
i just don’t want to do anything anymore, abit like u. It sucks, what is life,dontknow anymore. I’m blank. Sorry.
take care x
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Hi karen
well I did send u a new thread, don’t know what’s going on?have been very low much like u. I don’t want to keep trying I have had enough, for the last 25yrs I’ve been trying, it gets very tiring to say the least!, sorry. Where are u up too.? I do hope a little better. We all deserve better.
take care x
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Hi karen
sorry forgot to tell u Rachel is doing well
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Hello Chrissy,
Im sorry that your struggling, it's really hard to do anything or think positive thoughts when we're down.
Have you been taught about mindfulness or distraction. These are really good coping tools to help silence the negative thoughts, Meditation I like best, just before I sleep.
Have you looked around the forums,..on the top right hand corner you can search for topics such as depression, anxiety etc , or if you go to join conversation you can select any of those and just jump right in.. we have a BB Cafe thread, that's strictly no heavy talk. It's a nice light hearted thread, I use it occasionally,
Im so very happy that Rachel is doing well, my wish for you is to be happy and enjoy your gorgeous family..
Kind thoughts, Karen..