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- I don't know what to say
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I don't know what to say
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Hello everyone,
I don't really know what to say.
I'm not looking for advice, I'm just looking for a place to say something/anything.
You may have read some of my other posts, but the summary of me is: 24 years old, suffered from depression a few times in my life, suicidal thoughts each time, currently dealing with a relationship breakdown two months ago and symptoms of borderline personality disorder, and the depression and anxiety's come back as a result.
I don't know what keeps tripping me up but I constantly land back at the bottom of this mountain.
I've been writing poems, here's one because I don't know what else to say. I hope it's not too dark.
Steady drums
He cowers among shadows in a sacred hall,
Beneath the gaze of saints gone by,
Who condemn his long unrelenting fall
Into cold black dreams where his demons fly.
Day brings back the spindly claws
Of imps that crawl from beneath his bed;
they hook like leeches into all his flaws
and drink through fangs until they are fed.
Gorging and gurgling - the demons grow bold
And spin bloody chambers around his heart
Which beats like a drum dressed in gold,
Sold to the devil who will never depart.
The chambers burst and hellhounds are loose
They rage inside and reek abuse.
The drums beat louder and echo in his head
They rupture his veins until he is bled.
He is only a man with a dying light,
A candle which burns yet flickers with fight,
“What more do you want?” he cries aloud,
“Your hope; your dreams.” The man is cowed.
And yet while the flame can still flicker,
And his lips still quiver, gasping for life,
The drums will beat no slower, no quicker,
Until he is safe from this strife.
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Hi James,
Thanks for letting us know. Honestly, there's no rush in writing back "properly" to us. I think that you should be your own priority now. You take care of you.
And back at you, you're pretty awesome yourself too. Hang in there.
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Hi James,
So sorry to hear you've been in hospital. Are you feeling any better? If you feel up to it let us know what's going on. A problem shared is a problem halved so they say. If you share it with all of us it will end up tiny 🙂 Seriously, we are here for you. Talk to us when you're ready. No rush but do know you are not alone.
I wonder if you spend some time imagining a safe place in your mind if it could help with the nightmares. Try visualising a place with a door, think about the details. What is the door made of, what does it look like etc, when you open it you find your safe place. Where is it, what can you see? How does it smell and look and feel? Imagine all the details. Then before going to sleep go to the safe place first. Perhaps it might help. I am hoping it could.
Thankyou for the hug on my thread, I needed it. Here is one back for you. Sometimes we just need to know people understand and care.
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Thanks Carol. I have my psychologist session tomorrow. The psychiatrist at hospital wanted me to go at least once a week if not more. Frankly, I don't see why or what I could get from seeing them so frequently. I also don't have the money.
Anyway, hopefully I'll have more to say tomorrow. There's a lot of confused thoughts in my head at the moment.
I do have a safe place image but I've never tried it before going to sleep. Most of the time I make up stories in my head - good stories - but I still get these nightmares. I'll try the image instead.
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sorry typo above. I meant "sorry I can't ...."
im hopeless
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Hey James,
I saw you were up late on the friends cafe. Are you ok? Did the session go well yesterday?
Thinking of you
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Hey Carol,you're up late! Hope all is well with you? the pain's keeping you up?
The session was better than I thought it would be.Stiill confused but... maybe there's a very dimly lit path ahead of me.
Thanks for checking up on me. It means a lot to have someone just say hi. No one's ever really done that before I came on to these forums. I've been meaning to write something all day but things kept getting in the way then I didn'tknow what to write. I'll try again tomorrow. Still lots of thoughts running around in my head and I don't even know what they are. They're just there.
I hope you've gone to bed by now. It's quite late. I still have some work to catch up on 😞 Looks like I won't be getting muchsleep tonight.
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Hi Everyone,
I have just been reading some of the posts here in this thread. There has been mention of childhoods without affection and hugs. I can relate to that too.
Thankfully it didn't deter me though. Later in life there were so many hugs to be had from a variety of people. One male friend used to make me squirm a little, he would give a hug and try to rub my breasts at the same time! Yuck. Actually I didn't know wether to slap him or laugh at his lack of tact.
Many people at Church enjoyed hugs, now some of my clients do as well. My husband doesn't like them and nor do his parents. I go to give them a hug, we touch for a second then they push me away. Okay, fair enough. They are not the huggy type. I get that.
One hug that sticks in my mind was a day I was at the beach. A guy was sitting on a stone wall looking very dejected. I asked him if he was okay. He said not really. I asked if he wanted a hug and he said yes. I gave him a hug and we had a long chat.
He then asked if he could kiss me and I said no, so we chatted a bit longer, then I left.
Even if you are not the huggy type of person, just a smile can really make a person's day.
To all of you who like hugs, I have plenty for everyone.
Cheers all from Mrs. Dools
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Hey Mrs Dools,
That's a lovely post and a great story about the beach. I think you did a wonderful thing there, and also kept your own distance.
Yes, I can imagine the hugs from your friend would be a bit er questionable. I'm not sure what I'd do there.
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Hey James, how did the psychologist go yesterday? I vaguely recall reading somewhere (your other thread maybe) about you realising you're angry with your mum. I could be making it all up, I'm pretty addled, with being sick and all. But you're welcome to jump in on my anger thread (Anger and depression in Depression) if you want to throw a few expletives around and/or just get some stuff off your chest. No pressure of course, but I've found having a good rant can be pretty therapeutic. Hope you're feeling okay today.
PS Another picture from you that makes me smile. I like your puppy. 🙂