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Domestic abuse
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Hi all,
First of all, let me get things straight...I am a woman ! Steph, you had it right all along.
I agree with your counselor...the first thing that must kick in is survival instinct, a healthy reflex of self-preservation. Courage to remain steadfast, see things for what they are and resilience to put broken pieces back together come next.
IAE, thank you for contributing your inspiring story.
You are quite right, recovery is all about reclaiming your freedom, the birthright to be yourself instead of someone else's plaything. Well done for starting your journey of healing. It takes guts and sometimes feels like undergoing surgery without anesthetic but it is well worth the effort. This community will support and cheer you on every step of the way.
Please resist the urge to look back. All narcissistic relationships start the same way. With baiting. The only thing real about it is the devious conmanship that goes behind it. All bait is meant to taste delicious... before it poisons you.
Kudos to you for keeping your door closed to potential trouble. A significant victory, so give yourself a gold star. I'm confident there will be more, one small step at a time. You have been through a lot, lost a lot that was dear to you...you deserve to reclaim peace of mind and quality of Life.
My thoughts are with you.
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Hi Steph,
I feel as though you have incredible support in Starwolf and IAE. There's not much that I can add other than how I'm cheering you on from the virtual sidelines as you try to make sense of what has happened and decide your next steps.
"...I want to die but I know I need to live" are words that probably resonates with many people (myself included even if the context isn't the same as yours).
Hang in there. I like to think you're stronger than you know.
Dottie x
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You're quite right, Steph...2 men it was. One was a mask, the other the real deal. It hurts to realize we have fallen in love with an illusion. Much emotion can be wasted on an illusion. We 'clever' humans are such confused creatures...a mask isn't worth anyone dying for it.
On the bright side, what was lost was just an illusion. Tough but necessary in a real world. Hard to see one dream turn into a nightmare.
Then we wake up from both.
And Life goes on.
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Dear Steph~
There's not much I can say to assist at the moment, only one suggestion that I'll get to in a minute.
First I'd like to say I admire you. I've read your posts, how you've had your inbuilt buttons pressed by those that instinctively know just the right touch to get what they need. I've read how you realize this and fight against perceived but unwarranted guilt and weakness. How the strength within can falter then be resumed.
I've seen you respond to the solid wisdom and experience of Starwolf (definitely a lady) & others.
I used to visit houses where such relationships were common and always wondered why they continued. I'd say to myself it's because of her kids, or there's no women's shelter nearby, or some other such practical reason, not really understanding.
I was a young eager constable at that stage firmly convinced that right would prevail and all justice came from the law. As time went on I learned about those women not leaving, about the law. About cruelty, injustice.
40 years on I still believe in right, in kindness. Within my own very small sphere I try to adhere to and promote them. There are many like me, more than you might suspect. That means there is hope for fairness, not all is bleak. Also that there most probably is someone who is good for you, in time, if you want there to be - you may not.
My suggestion is this, and not having been down your path it might be silly - if one is suicidal one has a safety plan, which among many other things is a stalling mechanism & allows input from others so that fresh thoughts build before it is to late - you may have one, I don't know.
Is such a plan possible to combat those buttons being pressed? How would it work? Is one still necessary?
Croix (who apologizes if he displays a lack of understanding)
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Hi everyone
Ok, so, the abuser also had a huge heart & shielded me from danger. At the time I was living in a boarding house/lodge- he could c I was vulnerable- he heard & saw how the drunk guys would speak about me & basically gave me his heart & strength. We were a team bcas it was safer for both of us. It became a very dangerous place after a lot of prisoners & criminals were put there & I guess we were both scared... He made sense to me at the time,was courageous & intelligent & so strong & streetsmart....I wasn't in a normal situation. He was the only one that really cared...& had a sunny disposition...he fell from grace after his use of drugs & alcohol & became a completely different person..he lost his soul... And he was abusing... And I left the lodge & ended up in a woman's refuge...then a shared house...
Croix is my experience being abused can b better than homelessness. Once through pain of abuse u strengthen but it can also scar u 4 life depending on the abuse...so if it scars u 4 life I choose homelessness... I had some of the worst sharehouse experiences & chose homelessness at times....& its a whole other ballgame...woman stay in abuse for lots of reasons I.e they blame themselves,it bcomes their norm,the can't afford to leave,they still love him,there's children etc etc...some need loads of support to find their strength again to leave.
Ive been abused so much bcas I wanted to support these men....ppl were destroying themselves around me....
Its all life experience & I now choose an easier path. I've also been a target bcas of my vulnerability .
Being through so much has left me suicidal.. I've had a bigger problem which I don't know is wise to speak about I'll just say if ur life is in danger would u rather do it yourself, or let someone else do it?? I thought I'd rather do it myself...and I was thinking of ways... But I couldn't put family through it & I'd rather die knowing I've done good. I didn't know this one thing could turn enormous....
But I get through my thoughts I survive. Yeh I know I might still not b safe & die in the hands of someone but ive made it this far...running,hiding...moving...its a dark place to b & 4getting helps. There isn't always fairness & justice...maybe in the next life
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Hey Steph,
Thank you for the inner chuckle...and thank you for seeing a not so obvious side of me. You see, over the years, I've always been one of the boys. Some sort of mascot for local bad boys wherever I settled a while. And no, sex never came into it, ever. I guess it was some reassurance -after being used and abused by men- that who/what I was could elicit respect from them. I wouldn't have recommended them to anyone else but was always safe with them, year after year.
Even now I am this tiny, older woman working part time with big security dogs, another typically male domain (no, the new profile pic is no Kelpie, but my all black G. Shep).
I hope the above lets you know that vulnerability due to abuse can and will be shed. You say you've been a target because of your vulnerability. This is music to my cyber ears...because acknowledging vulnerability is a brave step towards reclaiming inner strength. Well done !
Congrats also for choosing an easier path. Giving yourself a break is terrific attitude. There comes a time when enough is enough...a proof that emotional maturing has been happening. I know it doesn't feel all that good to you right now. But because I come from the perspective of someone who's been there done that...I can't help feeling happy for you.
Another thing I'd like to draw to your attention is that neither alcohol nor drug abuse are to blame for someone "turning" violent. Substance use can only trigger something that was there in the first place. Perhaps it was suppressed, dormant but already existing all the same. I have had intensive experience in both the alcoholism (indirectly) and drug addiction (directly) worlds. Many of those who have sunk deep into those worlds will never become abusive. They just don't have it in them. The same applies to people with mental illness. Though those things are often cited as excuses.
I never experienced life in safe houses. It must be very stressful and/or depressing at times. I hope it can also be a supportive network. Seeing similar situations through someone else's eyes is bound to bring added insight into your own.
I hope you soon feel strong/safe enough to move on somewhere you can call your own.
Knowing you are safe and getting stronger makes my day.
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Thanku so much for your post starwolf,
Your support - other ppls support means so much to me right now .
Im grateful 🙂