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Chronic tension headache diagnosis and long term management

Community Member

Hi I suffer from chronic pain. I have a bone shard impacting a nerve root at c8 being treated with cortisone. I have pain at c5 and c6 that is manageable without anything. However I have a constant headache and pressure in my ears that I have had for pretty much every waking moment for the last 7 months. As a result I have become depressed and I have insomnia.

After a trip to a neurologist I have been advised to cease sleeping medication and strong pain killers. I am now only on antidepressants.

A visit to my psychologist today has alerted me that depression does not cause headaches.   

Has anyone been treated for chronic pain with ONLY antidepressants and did it work?

I havr a referral now to a psychiatrist to check but it not until May. While I see if I can find something earlier I sm keen to hear if this has worked for anyone.



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Community Member


I had bad muscle spasms in my neck going down between my shoulder blades. Then last night I got a bad case of gastro which continues now.

May take a day or two of rest to feel better.

Take care all xx

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Dear Carol,

Sorry to hear of the pain and now gastro! My goodness. Is someone looking after you and helping with the kids?

I do hope you feel better soon. Make sure you stay hydrated.

cmf x

Thinking of you sweetheart.....xx

Hi Carol,

Hope all went well with your daughters birthday. I'm sure it was a magic day for all concerned.God when it rains it pours ... No horrible pun intended. Hope by the time you see this you are on the up and it was only one of those horrible 24 hour bugs. Take care, hydrate or flat lemonade ,

hugs Len xx

Wow, Carol, you've had a bad run with catching bugs this year (says me, with worsening cold symptoms again, sigh). I hope you're feeling better from that now, and hopefully that the muscle spasms are easing up. Rest is good (and of course staying hydrated). Gentle snuggles from my birdies.


PS Liking your new profile pic by the way.

Hey Carol

I know you are crook...I just wanted to touch base and say hello and hope you feel better soon...x fingers

At the risk of asking a dumb question.....how are you feeling?

I tried a new temporary profile pic for a change and gave the protected bald headed eagle a rest...lol

(Hugs) if thats okay


Hi Len, cmf, Blue and Moon and Paul

Thanks for checking in on me xx

My daughters B'day went great but I became so ill shortly after that I haven't had time to recap. I will write a nice recount in a few days time whilst unwinding on holidays.

I am feeling better. Gastro has gone, it has left me exhausted but I am doing ok. The muscle spasms were bad this morning but some heat and gentle movement has freed them up. I haven't been able to sleep though. I hope to have a nap soon.

My headache is around a 3. To be expected I think with the added pain from the spasms and from dehydration (it was very bad gastro the first night/day/night). All coming good now, touching wood.

Paul, I just read on Blue's thread that you haven't been well either. A lot of us seem to be getting bugs. I blame it on the weather going hot then cold then hot again. Cold this week coming where we are going, low of 4 and top of 16. I hope you are on the improve Paul.

Well it's 5:21am.. I am off to bed...ships passing in the night with hubby as he is likely to get up soon. The birds are already awake and singing.

Take care, me xx

Hi there darling.....glad to see you are improving somewhat. Where are you going for your hols?

Gee all of us seem to experience vastly different climate and weather don't we? I think we are fore cast a top of about 27 today would you believe...doesn't feel that warm though. It's actually cooler inside my unit than out, not because I have air-conditioning (I wish...I love air-conditioning) but each unit in our little block got those free batts in the ceiling Mr Rudd was giving away some years back - and I could notice the difference from Day One! September and April are our best months weather wise up here!

Paul yes I do prefer the new pic rather than the bald-eagle! he looked rather intimidating to me, a bit fierce, not really personifying the gentle sweet big blond teddy-bear that you really are!​

Oh Carol, I saw Gruffudd is back, but doesn't seem to have "killed any threads" as yet...maybe one day. I have missed him.

Hello dear Carol,

Just dropping by to say hello. You poor thing you haven't been so well. I have no doubt that the birthday party went well, how couldn't if with a mum like you around. I hope the holiday goes well and gives you some peace and time to relax away from every day issues.

Hugs, xx

Hi lovely Ava, I left a msg on your thread xx

Dear Moon,

Oh Gruffud is back from fair Paris...I wonder if he bought souvenirs? I hope to see him on the killer thread soon.

I am feeling much improved. Today was a good day but again I pushed it a bit far and thus am exhausted. It bodes well for sleep I hope.

We are not going very far, just in case anything happens with my health. So still in NSW but in the country on a farm stay. Animals for the kids, average accomodation but in a spa cottage, daily farm breakfast basket with eggs and bacon etc., and with a wood fire. Albeit a farm stay, this farm comes with tennis court and indoor 18m heated pool and spa and some other family comforts. The intent is happy entertained and rested family.

Weather is forecast as Sunny there but ranging only from a low of 4 to a high of 18. I shall enjoy the woodfire.

I don't know how you survive without air con!

I hope you are feeling safer and less lonely dear friend. I wish I could pop over and hang out with you. Alas you have to put up with me here instead. The next few days will be manic. I will catch up with you in a couple of days when we are settled.

Luv ya xx