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Chronic tension headache diagnosis and long term management
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Hi I suffer from chronic pain. I have a bone shard impacting a nerve root at c8 being treated with cortisone. I have pain at c5 and c6 that is manageable without anything. However I have a constant headache and pressure in my ears that I have had for pretty much every waking moment for the last 7 months. As a result I have become depressed and I have insomnia.
After a trip to a neurologist I have been advised to cease sleeping medication and strong pain killers. I am now only on antidepressants.
A visit to my psychologist today has alerted me that depression does not cause headaches.
Has anyone been treated for chronic pain with ONLY antidepressants and did it work?
I havr a referral now to a psychiatrist to check but it not until May. While I see if I can find something earlier I sm keen to hear if this has worked for anyone.
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Ahaha that is a funny image. I love that movie. "Hey...Priscilla/Yes Flash?/What do...you call..." Oh that got me.
Sounds like you're a fun person to be around normally! Hubby's a lucky guy.
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Thanks James,
You too. You will meet someone amazing and they will be lucky to be yours. You have a lot to give 🙂
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Hi Sherie,
Yes my pain levels are staying low. I am still super drowsy though and it is hard to keep my eyes open even when my mind is awake. I will give it a bit longer then see my Dr to check if this is expected. It is so much better than the pain! OncevI work it all out I will update the other headache thread for new users.
Yes next weekend is her Birthday, we will have the party Sun afternoon. I have had to be realistic in that I can't do everything I'd like. I am just too shaky. I have ordered a cake but chose one like I would have attempted. The artist I chose is terrific. Hubby is helping me out with cutting things out that I am drawing for decorations. It should be nice.
We have also booked a week away during school holidays. Not to far a drive and it's a farmstay. They have alpacas and chooks for the kuds, tennis court and pool table for my eldest and hubby and a heated 18m indoor pool and spa for me (ok all of us haha).
I have been reading my Managing Pain book and I am "pacing" myself with activities. This is the first challenge I have taken on. I'm getting a journal tomorrow so I can start planning other ways to improvement my management of the pain using the info in the book.
I have been very muddled though and not thinking very clearly. Just writing now makes my eyes so tired. Hopefully it improves soon.
Carol xx
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Hey Carol, I think it may be a female wreathed hornbill you're holding in the picture. (Of course I Googled big-beaked thingy from Bali.) Would have been pretty amazing holding her. 🙂
I like that hubby is helping out with the decorations, and I'm glad you have a holiday booked. Reckon you deserve it. Animals and swimming, and a spa... sounds like my sort of holiday, mind if I hitchhike in your bag? 😉
Pain book sounds helpful, I hope you get plenty of use out of it and that the meds stop making you quite so sleepy.
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Hi Blue,
I'll pack you in there myself! Hehe, I'd love your company. They also have a commonroom with a woodfire and a library, dvd's and boardgames! There are several bushwalks from the property. It is also located in an area of produce, fruit, veg and berry picking. I am feeling happy about it. Hopeful I will be up to doing some of the activities. If not hubby will take the kids and I will avail myself of the pool and spa.
Yes the hornbill rings a bell. She was lovely, so gentle and she walked up and down my arm, I was very excited.
I fell asleep again before. I shall try and be patient. I keep reminding myself it is better than the pain. I do feel frustrated though that I still can't function. My heart keeps wanting a quick magic fix even though my mind knows better.
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Hi Carol,
hope I haven't woken you from your slumber. Sounds like a bit of R and R is the best tonic out. Im sure it will work wonders. That's what husbands are for ... Stepping in when need be and the going gets tough. Hopefully the shakes and tiredness are just the new meds kicking in. Regardless being pain free is a step in the right direction. Bit of timely intervention as you've been through the mill.Great that you've turned the corner. have a good one
cheers Len xx
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Hi Carol,
I feel for you it must be beyond frustrating to have your brilliant mind and creativity thwarted by your condition, the meds and there bloody annoying side effects. I'm pleased that you are going on a (glam sounding) farm stay it sounds fabulous, your babies will be delighted! Maybe being a way from things will help you too, I hope.
I can't see for a moment why you can't want a quick fix, sounds perfectly reasonable to me. 😉
Wishing you a perfectly wonderful day, hugs.
Ava xx
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Hi there Carol
I have been just reading that you have been sort of having a respite from that awful headache. A two out of ten. Is that still the case today? Anyway I am so happy for you that you were able to experience way less pain. Okay bye now.
With thankfulness
Shell xx
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Hi Carol,
I'm not feeling so great so sorry for my short response. Sorry you are still struggling. I know your condition is more complex but if you google "apple cider vingegar for joint pain" maybe there is something you could try.
I fully understand you don't simply have joint pain however apple cider vinegar has a lot of healing properties and lots of nurtrients which may help alleviate some pain.
Hope this is of some benefit.
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Hi all, I will reply tomorrow as I am super exhausted xx