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Chronic tension headache diagnosis and long term management

Community Member

Hi I suffer from chronic pain. I have a bone shard impacting a nerve root at c8 being treated with cortisone. I have pain at c5 and c6 that is manageable without anything. However I have a constant headache and pressure in my ears that I have had for pretty much every waking moment for the last 7 months. As a result I have become depressed and I have insomnia.

After a trip to a neurologist I have been advised to cease sleeping medication and strong pain killers. I am now only on antidepressants.

A visit to my psychologist today has alerted me that depression does not cause headaches.   

Has anyone been treated for chronic pain with ONLY antidepressants and did it work?

I havr a referral now to a psychiatrist to check but it not until May. While I see if I can find something earlier I sm keen to hear if this has worked for anyone.



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Dear Sherie,

We must have posted at the same time.

I am very happy and positive about the new Dr. I am feeling a bit more positive. I am just waiting for my emotions to catch up properly.

I feel great painwise today as per my response to Emmy. Very very dopey though.

I think of you often. How are things with you? Perhaps you can let me know on your thread. I do worry about you. I miss being able to be here for you to listen and care about what's going on. I will check on your thread. Lots of love to you and a big long hug xx

Community Member

Hi Len,

Big hugs to you too!

Arthritis is a horrible thing, dreadfully painful especially on your knee when you need it to get around. My Dad had suffered quite badly with it in his hip.

I am feeling pretty good about my medical team right now. That is a big positive.

I have enjoyed making friends here and helping when I can. It has been the biggest positive for me through all of this. There are so many k I nd and beautiful people on this site. How blessed I am to have met you all.

My Mum and Dad were very poor but my Mum gave so much from her heart to people and the community. She always admired my education and how far I went career wise but she had the greater attributes in her kindness and caring. I hope to be like her and I hope forcmy children to learn the same, that kindness and caring are the ultimate personal attributes.

I hope you are doing ok Len. Do you have something that helps ease the pain?

Carol xx

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hey Carol,

Just sending you some fellow dopey hugs.

Also, I think your mum would be very proud to have such a kind and caring daughter. You're one of the kindest people I know, and I think you can be proud of yourself as well.


Community Member

Hi Carol,

much appreciated. So many people here, different journeys,directions, common parallels and so much in common all drawn together.Its great news for you. I've stumbled across a great psych, mental health nurse and a few prepared to go that extra mile. Restores ones faith in mankind amidst a lot of the doom and gloom we surrounded by these days. As much as I try and stay positive for my kids I ensure they are not oblivious to the perils of the world. Guess we were fortunate enough to grow up in more innocent times., having said that kids these days are much more savy and switched on.

if I lost a bit of weight, returned to my previous excercise levels, swimming, cycling and balanced diet it would make the world of difference. I had plans too, but keep on drawing another line in the sand. One day I will just bite the bullet and do it but not today.I guess I'm a different person these days, different priorities and no burning desire to test myself physically - running marathons and distant riding were my little Mt Everests. I might get that hunger again. If it happens it happens, if not it's not the end of the world.

My right hip was bone on bone @ 70% but fixed a few years ago fixed with a hip resurface.A couple of knee injuries from my youth have come back to bite me. Luckily high pain tolerance.

i take after my mum, good and bad ( as in she suffered from depression) but she was happiest with her kids around her and knowing we were well. I miss her so and my boys remind me of their upbringing., puting a positive spin on things, so I guess I'm doing something right, though my wife is the far more stable one of the relationship. Guess it takes a team effort.We have worked at it and 31 years later still together. Our kids are little chips off our shoulders. I'm sure we are heading them in the right direction.

cheers Len xx

Yay for no pain!!!

The numbness doesn't sound good though, hopefully it settles when your body adapts and it isn't a long term side effect

You posts did make me giggle a little, with your being so out of it. I hope that isn't a long term feeling either, it wouldn't make day to day life the easiest.

Fingers crossed on all counts

Hey Carol,

I am super relieved for you, to see your pain specialist has new ideas and is working with your team and not against them, as others have said. Having a psych that specialises in the effects of chronic pain is likely to be a great help, too. I'm glad you're feeling positive about the change.

Hopefully that dopey feeling doesn't hold up too long, it can't be fun, but the reduction in pain is no doubt countering any frustration about that, for now. Sir Pecks can hold your eyes open (well, one at a time), with his little beak, if you like. He's very gentle. 😉

Hugs and birdie snuggles for you, my friend, and my gratitude for your unwavering support.


Len, I got a smile out of your description of your family and your marriage. It does sound like you're getting something right. Your picture's pretty cute, too. I guess you raised your dog right from the start, then? It's a special thing raising a little beastie. 🙂


Good evening Carol. Really pleased to hear that the pain has subsided to a tolerable level with the new meds. What a relief that must be.

I'm doing okay Carol, so please dont worry. I just dont particularly wish to talk about me, thats all. Did you, by any chance, read my poem about Holly that I posted to the Pet Thread in the Keeping Well section? I would value your opinion when you feel up to offering a critique. You asked me to let you know when I posted it, which I did this morning.

I know you have been feeling really dopey all day. Do you know whether that is from the pain patch or the anti epileptic meds? Or perhaps a combination of the two? Anyway I hope that settles soon, and you start to feel as though you are regaining a bit of your old life again.

Do you have any plans for your weekend?

Love and hugs to you.

Sherie xx

Hi Sherie,

Ok lovely, I understand. I will go and read the poem shortly and will write back on your thread.

All 3 of the medications I now have cause drowsiness so it is hard to tell. It is a strong feeling. The world moves a bit when I stand and go to walk. My brain feels at times a bit numb, sorry not sure how else to describe it, as does my tongue and ends of my fingers. One of the meds does have parathesia as a side effect. It's not too bad and it is better than the pain haha. However, being this dopey I can't do anything, can't drive. I will see what happens after a few days and revisit with my dr if it continues.

Only plans are the kids sports in the mornings and a big clean up at home which is mosly hubby. I hope to finish all I need for my daughter's B'day. Hubby will help as needed. I had to get him to do some cutting for me the other day because my hands shake too much.

I shall try not to worry but will not promise because friend's do things like that 🙂

me xx

Hi Blue,

thanks for the big wrap but as so often not enough credit given to the women in our life. My wife is amaysing and just soldiers on. It's not easy living with me but through all our ups and downs we are still together. Complete opposites and she's my best friend.As much as I'd love to raise a pup again we purchased Monty at a year old, he's now 2 and spoilt rotten. I know you're into birds. What type are they?

I had a pet Eastern Rosella growing up..vicious as... But always a soft spot for them when I see others flying about and have a hollow log out the back in the Malaleuca Tree where they have nested in the past and raised several broods. I had to reposition the log and almost fell off th bloody ladder ensuring everything was a ok. They at checking it out daily so fingers crossed thy will nest again.

on better homes and gardens there was a story about some orphaned magpie chicks and a lady who raised them to fledgling stage after the local firemen rescued them. Beautiful to see:) Worth watching if you haven't seen it. Also on the same show family having issues with anxious dog scratching at the glass with paws and I kid you not gnashing at the glass with its teeth. Couldn't see scratches but the sound was shocking.Dog was a bavodle ( probably invented another breed. Cross between Beagle and Cavalier), which sort of explains the scratching at the glass by our last dog a King cavalier. I'd love another dog but Monty is more then enough to handle.great dog and always there , Did you hand raise your chicks ?