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Chronic tension headache diagnosis and long term management

Community Member

Hi I suffer from chronic pain. I have a bone shard impacting a nerve root at c8 being treated with cortisone. I have pain at c5 and c6 that is manageable without anything. However I have a constant headache and pressure in my ears that I have had for pretty much every waking moment for the last 7 months. As a result I have become depressed and I have insomnia.

After a trip to a neurologist I have been advised to cease sleeping medication and strong pain killers. I am now only on antidepressants.

A visit to my psychologist today has alerted me that depression does not cause headaches.   

Has anyone been treated for chronic pain with ONLY antidepressants and did it work?

I havr a referral now to a psychiatrist to check but it not until May. While I see if I can find something earlier I sm keen to hear if this has worked for anyone.



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Pain is awful at times, isn't it? I can relate a little with my stomach/anxiety issues, but I have no doubt that what you live with is worse.

I'll just leave a hug here for you, hopefully you're not hugged out 🙂

Hi Carol. Its just on 8pm, and I am wondering how you've been today.

Perhaps by tonight the changed schedule with your ADs may have a beneficial affect resulting in a decent sleep.

Meanwhile I hope the bug is finally abating to at least allow you to get back to 'base level' pain. Then perhaps you will start to see some improvement in headache pain as a result of the recent injections.

I hope you've been able to have a restful day today. I guess you have the little fellow home with you over the coming 2 days, so you wont get too much rest then. Hoping that you are up to it this week without having to have hubby working from home again to help out.

We are getting some light rain here right now. Are you getting some rain where you are too? Its nice, and although its only just after 8pm, I am going to go to bed and listen to the rain on the roof.

Are you all hugged out? Oh well, in that case .......... I send you lots of well wishes and love.

Sherie xx

Dearest Sherie,

I am feeling better today from my bug however I didn't sleep much last night and just couldn't settle for a nap today. Hopefully I will sleep better tonight.

I am hoping to be ok with my youngest tomorrow and Wed.

I managed to do a little craft today. I made the big hedge entrance out of cardboard boxes and covered it green for my daughter's b'day. I hope to decorate it soon with red and white roses (painting the roses red). I shall make a big card character to stand next to it with a paintbrush dipped in red 🙂

No rain here yet but I do love the sound of rain on the roof.

Thankyou so much for the well wishes and love. Right back at you lovely xxx

Dear Narelle,

Thanks for the hug! I hope you are doing well. I read on Emmy's thread that you are trying to do something each day. Great stuff! Just having the mindset to try is a great step.

Carol xx

Hey Carol, I'm glad to see you got in some craft, today. Your project for your daughter's birthday sounds great. I'm quite impressed with the efforts you make for your kids. Has getting a start on the hedge helped you feel a little better in yourself? I noticed you said on Emmy's thread you're still feeling a bit flat, but it's an improvement on feeling sad, right? I and the crew are here to help improve on that some more. My contribution will be... bird stories!

You've probably gathered from other threads I had a little adventure today with a noisy miner in my house. I wasn't immediately surprised by the fluttering of wings in my office, but then I thought "wait, I already saw my two in their cages..." I spent a bit of time making friends with him, before I let him go. So that made my day interesting. 🙂

Anyway, you said you're developing a fondness for birds, so thought I'd share. Gentle pecks for you, from Mr Feisty and Sir Pecksalot. 🙂



Ha! Yes flat is better than sad 🙂 That made me smile!

I responded on your thread about your miner. I have a family of common minors that live in my back yard in the camelias I have. Originally we just had mum and then they had babies and now there's a collection of them that live here. A few of them will often come up right to the windows and look in and watch me. I really enjoy that. I quite like watching them feeding from the camelia flowers. On occassion we get a few pidgeons. We used to get a few mudlarks but the minors ganged up on them and they don't come past anymore.

I am pleased that it was a good start to your holiday.

Yes, the craft did make me feel a little better by just having something physical to show for my day.

Carol xx

Community Member
Carol will you help me with a silly little poem

Community Member
Of course Emmy, just let me know what help you need xx

Community Member

I want to talk about even though when you have a panic attack and feel like you can't breath it's actually your breath that can calm you. This is going to sound so silly but sometimes I think of it as like a little comforting friend that's with me when I get in trouble. That I carry it with me - here's what I've written if you want to play around with it and fix it for me 🙂 hope it's not to silly it's hard to explain what I mean. Hope you understand x

My Little Friend

Another panic attack, I cannot breathe
Heart racing body tingles, I stop and freeze
But then I remember my little friend's with me
It is my breath, this is the key
Look down to my tummy and this is see
It rise and fall, I count to three
I focus on this rhythym, sit and be
Slowly if passes, I'm filled with glee
It's always there to set me free
My little friend and me

Morning Carol. I hope you managed to get some decent sleep last night?

Of course I had forgotten about your daughters birthday which is fast approaching. I knew you had lots of plans, and it sounds as though they are now well under way. The hedge entrance sounds like such fun. Your kids are so lucky that you are such an involved and hands on Mum. I know even if you were still working, you would still find the time to do as much or probably more than what you are doing now. You are a great Mum.

I hope that today you and your little boy are able to get a few more things done together. I sometimes regret never having been a Mum. I think I would have been a good one. But at least I can still be a good grandma. (-:

Emmy, I am not sure why you are seeking help with your poem. Its perfect just the way it is. I was going to put my (and Carols) poem to Emma on the poetry thread, but decided against it. Its a bit too personal, and not all my own creation, so I cant claim it as my own. Copyright and all that stuff. (-:

Have a good day Carol. And you too Emmy.

Much love.

Sherie xx

Dear Sherie,

The poem and it's words are all yours, a gift to you. You may post it as your own anytime, no need to acknowledge me. Much love to you.

Dear Emmy,

Sherie is right, it is perfect. Just a couple of typos, change Line 5 "is" to "I", Line 6 "It" to "It's", Line 8 "if" to "it". It's wonderful Emmy xx