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Chronic tension headache diagnosis and long term management
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Hi I suffer from chronic pain. I have a bone shard impacting a nerve root at c8 being treated with cortisone. I have pain at c5 and c6 that is manageable without anything. However I have a constant headache and pressure in my ears that I have had for pretty much every waking moment for the last 7 months. As a result I have become depressed and I have insomnia.
After a trip to a neurologist I have been advised to cease sleeping medication and strong pain killers. I am now only on antidepressants.
A visit to my psychologist today has alerted me that depression does not cause headaches.
Has anyone been treated for chronic pain with ONLY antidepressants and did it work?
I havr a referral now to a psychiatrist to check but it not until May. While I see if I can find something earlier I sm keen to hear if this has worked for anyone.
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Hi Carol
Just saying hello and leaving a hug here for you.
Shell xx
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That rotten lurgy. Sorry to see you've been having such a crappy year when it comes to catching bugs, Carol. It isn't that long since you got rid of the last one. Hopefully you bounce back quickly like your little one did. In the meantime, lots of sleep is good... and lots of water. 😉
PS Sorry for taking over your thread there, for a bit.
Wednesday, you're quite right about the pre-determined traits. I had a little chuckle at your specific examples, as I am short-sighted, and have back troubles (along with the joy of depression). As you say, we've got the hand we've got and can only do our best within those parameters. No point punishing ourselves for the stuff we can't control, that only makes it harder. While I'm talking to you, I just want to say I appreciate the insights and support I see you giving around the threads. Kudos to you. 🙂
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Carol, hoping the best for you in overcoming the debilitating pain. Am off to a new GP myself this morning, recommended by my Physio. He's a sports Dr but we figure he knows all about the muscle and nerve thingies, so perhaps I'll get more value than just a pat on my anxious head and "here's a repeat script for the AD's"!
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Sorry to Hi-Jack your post Carol...I just read something that Bluguru said...
"I have seen plenty about abusive relationships on these forums, but in
most of what I have seen there has been submission and depression and
feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness"
Bluguru....thankyou for that and you dont hold the title to supreme nerdiness....I do...so there!
Or as Marje would say "Oh my Lord"!
Excuse me Carol for butting in ....Mr (quiet and humble) ..woof 😉 xx
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Just tiptoeing in very quietly to see how you are Carol. Dont want to disturb you though. So I will catch up with you later hopefully.
Thinking of you, and sending lots of well wishes your way.
Sherie xx
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Carol, Ugh just what you don't need a bug. You really have to teach those children not to share (grin)! Hope you feel better soon. Umm maybe your littles ones can still be trained to give foot massages.... xx
Blue, yup, we are who we are! Thanks so much for your feedback on my comments, it's very much appreciated. Can I say I miss your old picture of you (I assume) peering over a book., it was one of my favourites. xx
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Hi Blue and Moon,
I have been hesitant to discuss any details before because the experiences were very different to those here. What I have thought I gained most was a resilience and understanding that it is scary but possible to get out of those situations.
To be clear to all, the first guy had been possesive and jealous but I never gave up my friends nor stopped going out with them even though he wanted that. I sought to reassure him instead which obviously didn't work. He only hit me the once, I could never stay with someone who sought to hurt me verbally or physically or indeed themselves. I left the next day. I found out later it was not the first time he attempted to take his life. He turned up at my Dad's funeral, he stayed at the back and never approached me. I appreciated that. He is much better now, he just needed to get the right help.
With the second, he moved cities with me to isolate me from my friends, I was unaware that it was indeed his sole intent in moving. I put up with a lot of jealousy from him, perhaps for too long. He often accused me of cheating on him. I believe now that he was cheating on me. I couldn't stay with someone jealous of my dying father. He stayed in contact with my Mum getting her help for years but she never told me until she became ill some 10 years later.
I do love myself. I have many faults and have made many mistakes but believe in forgiving myself for those I made when I was young. I believe myself to be a good person, kind and caring. I look forward, I rarely look to the past unless it can serve a positive result now.
I understand how you relate to me Blue as I have to you when I learned of your resilience. You are right, not having control over these feelings of depression and indeed the physical pain is terrifying for me as a control freak. I am used to helping others fix problems not having my own.
I'd love to be able to beat the pain up!
Ah dear Moon, I had a few lawn bowling engagements early on 🙂 I do feel that you are a kindred spirit. Yes, I have many plans for my creativity, books, art and life. Something still to look forward to.
Carol xx
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Dear Emmy,
Thanks for the get well wishes. It is much appreciated as I really feel horrid.
There is no need to feel sorry for me for my past. I have no sadness or any residual worries from it at all. The only thing that worries me is my pain and from that a feeling of hopelessness that I have no way to influence my recovery. I also feel useless sometimes in my inability to be the wife and Mum of my choosing but hubby and kids are fine, I just need to keep reminding myself of that. I keep hope with the letter my dr wrote insurance that stated "with time I expect a full recovery".
Carol xx