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Chronic tension headache diagnosis and long term management

Community Member

Hi I suffer from chronic pain. I have a bone shard impacting a nerve root at c8 being treated with cortisone. I have pain at c5 and c6 that is manageable without anything. However I have a constant headache and pressure in my ears that I have had for pretty much every waking moment for the last 7 months. As a result I have become depressed and I have insomnia.

After a trip to a neurologist I have been advised to cease sleeping medication and strong pain killers. I am now only on antidepressants.

A visit to my psychologist today has alerted me that depression does not cause headaches.   

Has anyone been treated for chronic pain with ONLY antidepressants and did it work?

I havr a referral now to a psychiatrist to check but it not until May. While I see if I can find something earlier I sm keen to hear if this has worked for anyone.



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Lovely Moon,

My son's temp was up to 40 on and off in the night but it broke this morning and he is back to his cheeky huggy and kissy self. I am so relieved.

My pain is worse, perhaps I am getting what he had? I just got up but considering going back to bed. Too much pain 😞

I hope you are feeling better Moon. Sending you some love too. Will be back later xx

Carol, I really feel for you, and I'm so sorry you are in such pain again/still. I do understand your greatest wish right now to have just one day free of intense pain. God ....... I wish I could give you that wish!!!

At least the little fella is feeling much better, so you dont have the added worry there now.

Hopefully now you can worry about getting yourself back to a point where the pain is sufferable. Have you needed to resort to any more of those 'pain bombs' that cost $8 a pop? Given how you were last time you did that, I can understand your reluctance in doing so.

Moon - I'm concerned about you, I will search for a more appropriate place to respond to you.

Hugs to you both, much love, and a supportive shoulder to rest or cry on should you need it.

Sherie xx

That is wonderful of you Sherie - I truly appreciate it. I am feeling somewhat better thank goodness......#1 son has been here for last few days again.....it's hard not to be positive with him around He has very high energy and positivity himself - although a bit tiring.

You and Lost Girl will never believe what happened yesterday when he was here - he wanted to go for a drive in my newish car (he hadn't been in it before) around his old familiar district......and quite by chance (or was it meant to be, one wonders?) we happened to meet the Dragon Slayer (remember him?) on his way home from work!!

So they met - got along like a house on fire! Not sure what has happened to my "rival" but it was a lovely little interlude...and felt really good to see them together. My son likes him a lot actually, which I guess is a positive thing. Trying not to get my hopes up too much but it was so nice to see him again and know he still seems to enjoy my company....Both Full Moon AND an eclipse this Friday night!!!! Oh God...anything can happen!

Community Member
Carol I don't know what to say to you hun other than I'm sorry you're having to experience this and just remember "better days are coming". Much love to you x

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Carol,

I was pleased to read that you son seems to have thrown off his bug, poor little thing. Poor mum too, I hope your feeling a bit better.

Gentle hugs, xx

Dear Moon,

I replied in your other thread as well as here 🙂

A passing shooting star (your rival) may fail to linger in the DS heart like the ever present Moon 😉 I shall leave Sherie to be your sensible counsel which of course is a good thing. However my romantic heart is aflutter for the possibilities for you.

I am glad you are feeling a little better and I'm glad you're enjoying the time with #1 son xx

Dear Wednesday and Emmy,

I continue to be hopeful that things will improve soon. Thanks for your kind thoughts.

Dear Sherie,

Yes, I am so grateful that my youngest is feeling better. It is a weight off my mind.

I did consider those tablets but am too worried about the consequence to hubby if it knocks me out or causes the massive tremors like last time. If the pain is still bad tomorrow evening I will take one then.

Thanks so much Sherie, your shoulder is most appreciated xx

Hi Carol,

Hope your pain is a bit less severe today and that you don't need to take the big bad tablet. Glad to see your wee one is doing better. I like the new profile pic, by the way. 🙂 My thoughts are a bit disjointed at the moment, it seems... Well anyway, thanks for stopping in on my thread, and for just generally being you. Thinking of you.


Community Member
Love your new profile pic Carol - you look gorgeous

Community Member

Thanks Emmy and Blue,

Not a good day today, maybe tomorrow?

Dear Moon,

Answering your question from the cafe. Despite my wish to act, the small town drama group wasn't going to get me there and with limited funding it was never going to happen. I had instead opted to be a writer/journalist.

Unfortunately on my way to achieving this a boyfriend with a possessive nature and bad temper ended things for me when he hit me and I punched him back, then he proceeded to attempt suicide while holding me down. It was an altogether shocking event that only ended due to a well timed panic/asthma attack on my behalf which caused him to stop.I got out of the situation quickly, moved home so he couldn't find me but ended up unable to sit my final exams because my hand was a mess and I was too scared to tell anyone what happened. Then I found out I would have to repeat the whole year not just half so I swapped to a business degree instead.

Sadly I seemed to pick some shocking men back then, strong, confident, handsome but ... I ended up deferring that degree and never went back to it because I got engaged to a man who later, after tying me down financially, became massively possesive and wouldn't let me study. My Dad became terminally ill with cancer and this one got jealous of me visiting Dad in hospital every night. He started to forbid me to go so one day while he was at work I took only the things I owned before I met him and left leaving me in a bad position but luckily I had friends to help.

Later I met my now hubby, who is the polar opposite to these other men and I found work at a large company where I was trained, a uni credited certificate paid for and I have now had 2 successful but very different careers at.

Sometimes life just happens hey.

Sleep well Moon xx

Oh Carol .......... how horrible. Gosh what can I say? You make my issues sound so petty and silly in comparison. Yeah I know, we are not meant to compare. But of course we all do it anyway. (-:

Parts of what you reveal above I have heard from you before, but not the bit about your boyfriend holding you down whilst attempting suicide. I am so sorry for what you had to go through. That must have been dreadful for you. As well as having a major impact at such an important time of your life. It must have been a real turning point for you.

If there is anything good to come out of this - it has to be that it has given you a whole new perspective when it comes to appreciating what you now have in a wonderful loving caring husband. There you see ... comparing is not always a bad thing. (-:

I'm sorry that today has been another bad pain day for you. If your youngest son is feeling better now, I expect he will be off to preschool tomorrow. And hopefully this will give you a better chance for rest and recovery.

My heart feels very heavy for you tonight Carol, both for the pain you are feeling and for your past traumas.

Many kind thoughts, and a big hug.

Sherie xx