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Community Champion
Community Champion
Hi..I'm new here..just need to put my feeling down..no one to talk to makes depression and anxiety so hard...the last 4 days I have either been in bed crying or on the lounge crying..I can't seem to get out of this...I am becoming a prisioner in my own home as its getting progressively difficult to go out.. I have to go out Tuesdays so I do everthing on that day but it's like I'm holding my breathe all day until I get back to the safety of my home then I can let go and that starts the cycle again of spending the next 6 days at home either in bed or on the lounge sad and depressed...I really feel like just giving up.. My husband passed away 4 years on This coming Thursday. My children live 6 hours drive away and have small children so I don't see them that much.Bad mum and grandmum I am on there last visit i was pleased to see them but I just wanted them to go home. I feel so aweful and numb atm..
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Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey bbff 👩‍❤️‍👩 and everyone 🖐

Wishing you a lovely Xmas my/our darling lady and a lovely lunch with Mrs NSC.

We're not long up hun so I best make an appearance and look after this gorgeous Mr 😍

Hope its a beautiful but cooler day huns.

Bbl with your prezzy precious love.

Happy Xmas to y/our many lovely friends here 🖐☺ Hi Hannah enjoy your neighbour time too hun.

So much deep lasting always love my beautiful honeyheart. 👩‍❤️‍👩💜🗯🤝👭🕊🤗😚💗

Hello Grandy.....just checking in today to make sure you're OK.....I'm here if you need to write, or talk. A couple of relatives who are also alone (lost partners) and I are eating lunch together, so I intend to stuff myself.....I've been hardly eating anything much lately so hope I can handle it...perhaps I'll go slowly.

Have a nice day and reach for a thought....any thought.....that makes you "feel better' even just a little bit is very valuable. love from Moonstruck!

Community Champion
Community Champion

grandy and everyone

just want to say hello and wish you a peaceful Christmas greeting and you will share a meal with your neighbour.
You know I have admired all the kindness and understanding and honesty you spread on the forum with your patience and empathy.
Moon I hope that having company helps you today and you enjoy your meal.

Community Champion
Community Champion

Merry Christmas 🎅🏻🎄..Hanna, Deebi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩, Moon, Quirky...🤗..

Awe your all such beautiful and caring friends...What more could I ask for on Christmas Day....Everyone’s beautiful presence with, your love, care and warm beautiful wishes are the best present anyone can ask for..

You are all my family and I love that you all are...all your post brought tears to my eyes today...

Quirky..Thank you so much..for your lovely words to me...You were one of the first people to offer me so much needed help and understanding...I think I pressed yours and Tony’s patience quite a bit when I first joined this amazing family..,I will always be so grateful for you and Tony’s help...and you’re ongoing presence in my life Quirky..

Deebi...you’ve never left my side....in fact..we have become soul spirit sisters for life..Thank you so much for being with me this year with your love and care...Love you Deebi..That will never change..

Moon... Like your avatar..your the beautiful light that shines brightly on through the night...and carries into the day...I hope you have a lovely meal today with your friends...Today everyone is allowed to “stuff” themselves full of food...then sleep it off later today/night..

Hanna...I hope you and Sam have a lovely time with your neighbour..it does make a really big difference to our lives if our neighbours are nice and friendly...Thank you also dear friend..for your love, care and support over the past year...,and Sams fur hugs..love them so much.....

I am one very lucky person..having you all in my life...and very grateful for each and every word you’ve all said to me this year...

Sending my love, care and heaps of Christmas hugs to everyone....Be proud of yourselves...your strong beautiful people...who has made a difference to me and so many more on these forums..


Community Member

Hi Grandy (waves to everyone here!)

Did you go to your neighbour's today? I hope you had a nice time. We had a lovely lunch at our neighbour's, their son was there, he was very pleasant too... little Sam was so good... very excited at being with a group of people... had a grin from ear to ear all afternoon - we are home and going to have a little rest now. Sending warmest wishes for Christmas xxxoxooo

Paw Prints
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Grandy,

Merry Christmas lass... thank you for all your love & support over the year... you are a treasure...

I hope lunch was nice & you enjoyed it.

So glad you had the joy of watching your furs tear their pressies open.. I forgot to buy Woofa one (bad me)..

Christmassy hugs & love


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Hanna, Paws, Deebi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩...and everyone...🤗..
Thank you both so much..

Yes I did go to my neighbours for lunch...She also invited her other neighbour..a man, I do not trust nor like very much...Anyway lunch was nice..he left not long after lunch..then feeling more comfortable, my neighbour and I had a coffee and some more cake 😁..

Her beautiful Siberian Husky kept coming to me for pats..I gave him a big cuddle...(he is so big)..then he put his head on my shoulders for another cuddle....When I finished cuddling him...he rested his head on my knees...He made my day special...

After a few hours I went home and eldest son rang me..which was nice...we talked for a while..dil. is needing brain scans each 6 months...She is doing good, it has caused some damage and is effecting her balance and eyes...

Paws..my dogs just sat their looking at the present..like they were something bad...I had to rip away some paper for them..They are so funny...if one doesn’t do something the other won’t either..same with food...if one doesn’t eat..neither does the other one...They are inseparable..one wouldn’t survive without the other....

Its cool here now..strange weather for summer ..but I’m not complaining...cooler days are very welcomed..

Sitting outside now..wind blowing my hair, not hot nor cold..I’m going to hose down one of my sheds today, and with the half dozen empty pots..I’m going to plant some succulents in them and put them in the shed I’m hosing down...Well it’s more like a carport put up sideways...with the front open and the back and sides enclosed...

I hope you all have a lovely day today...

My love, hugs and care everyone....💜🤗🦋..


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey aweety bbff 👩‍❤️‍👩

Just popped in to say hi and let you know you're very loved appreciated and thought about.

Finally got on top of a 🤕 been every morning lately sometimes waking 3 times to them.

Hope you're good darlin. Never ever forgotten you.

Bbt huns.

Live and care so much. PubAok lysvm yAdimh need you blossom you're an awesome SSS 😚🤗


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey dear bbff 👩‍❤️‍👩 and everyone 🖐

How're you feeling beautiful lady physically and mentally lovely. How's that heart behaving? Grandy pubAok.

I think you're a good judge of character lovey, shame he was there but was pleased hearing he went soon after lunch.

Loven hearing you and Mrs NSC had more cake it all sounds so lovely. And although she swears heaps you take her as she is. Good on you beautiful 🤗

How gorgeous the Husky cuddling up to you. Sounds so beautiful. So glad it made you feel good the dear thing.

Poor Dil she's going through so much and been through. Lovely that he rang darlin.

Wow nice change not being hot or cold. Good having the wind blowing through the hair isnt it, not as good as water through the hair but still a nice feeling aye.

Hope you're managing good sleep dear Grandy and that you're finding life to be a bit easier.

Really love your friendship dear sss wow I was singing in the arms of an angel today, keep thinking about that awesome gift and the rings wow it's fantastic gorgeous.

Take realky good care honeyheart you mean so much to me and many dear friend.

Love and 🤗🍫👩‍❤️‍👩💜🤝🗯👀😀

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Dearest Grandy,

i am so pleased that you were not on your own on Christmas Day. And your son spoke to you too. Christmas does not have to be big to be made pleasant.

I know I don’t post here a lot, but I read it and I think of you a lot.

i had a quiet Christmas but that is ok
