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Community Champion
Community Champion
Hi..I'm new here..just need to put my feeling down..no one to talk to makes depression and anxiety so hard...the last 4 days I have either been in bed crying or on the lounge crying..I can't seem to get out of this...I am becoming a prisioner in my own home as its getting progressively difficult to go out.. I have to go out Tuesdays so I do everthing on that day but it's like I'm holding my breathe all day until I get back to the safety of my home then I can let go and that starts the cycle again of spending the next 6 days at home either in bed or on the lounge sad and depressed...I really feel like just giving up.. My husband passed away 4 years on This coming Thursday. My children live 6 hours drive away and have small children so I don't see them that much.Bad mum and grandmum I am on there last visit i was pleased to see them but I just wanted them to go home. I feel so aweful and numb atm..
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Community Member

Hi Grandy (waves to Deebi and everyone)

How are you going today? Isn't this strange weather for summer, but oh so much better than the heatwaves...

Do the storms make you tired? I find I get tired in this weather I wonder if it's something to do with the electrical activity in the atmosphere with all the thunderstorms? Sam is tired out too, he didn't sleep well last night and is positively cranky today as a result! Poor little guy.

Your thread about nature is lovely Grandy, what a nice idea. I like what you said about BB being for people with MH problems on that thread, I wouldn't like it to become a place where people get dobbed in all the time...

I hope you and your furs are OK and taking care of yourselves... do you have any company at all apart from your neighbour? What has happened to the support people and your walks?

Anyway just wanted to say hello and send you hugs for New Year... oxoxo

Hi gorgeous bbff 👩‍❤️‍👩 Hannah & all ☺

Hey darlin friend how's my bbff going both mentally and physically sweetyheart. I really hope you're finding life easier, you certainly put the yards in and deserve so much Grandy to know peace 🕊

Beautiful there's a Dragon rider at the flicks which I know would be hard for you unless maybe ww or Betty on her return could they take you. Unsure if thats the one I saw advertised that you've seen. Hope somehow you can manage it. I think you'd enjoy, it's animated.

Dear Grandy you're a really beautiful friend. Thank you for another awesome year of us being 👩‍❤️‍👩 🤝👀👂🤗. We have the best of love 💜 for eachother and have and without doubt will continue to go through amazing stuff and healing together. So so grateful for you dear sweet lady you're amazing.

Wishing you a beautiful 🎉🎈🎊HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎈🎉🎊 darling. We're just having a quiet one so we'll be around in 2.4 seconds to pick y'all up honeyheart. The gorgeous so cute little furs that need another cuddle want to come for the blat so we can put them in the side car and gorgeous Mr 😍 behind me and you in the other side car, how does that grab ya huns 😆

Wishing you every possible feeling of peace deep love and eternal happiness beautiful SSS friend 💗

So so glad to know and love you.

Thanks for everything dear love you're amazing 🤗

Thanks everyone for being so awesome and to bb for making here such a great place⚘


Paw Prints
Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Grandy,

Happy New Year lass...

Oh the cuddles from the huskie sound lovely... dogs are such good judges of character... I'm not surprised he loved you.

How did your furs behave when you came home smelling of another dog... were they put out or not bothered at all? Woofa makes sure I know he has his nose out of joint if I've been patting another dog.

It's been very humid here today with thunderstorms all around... but not overhead... it had me thinking of an earlier post of yours where you talked about loving the rolling sound of thunder rather than when it crackles overhead... We have had a lot of that rolling thunder around today... I love when it sounds like the sound is rolling along the valley... or circling around the horizon.

Oh I'm so pleased for you that your es rang you on Christmas day... that is something special for you.

Here are some bear type gentle hugs to kick off the New Year for you..


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Sweety bbff 👩‍❤️‍👩 hi other lovely ones ☺

I hope you wake up to a gorgeous sunny day minus the extreme heat of course. We've been lucky so far but of course being Oz it won't be long I imagine before it heats up yuks. Mind you some water will be nice and walking in it.

Darlin I've mainly popped in for a nice cuppa 🍷 oops wrong flavour and to check on you. Always an 👁 on you and have already noticed being the famous detective Deebi that I am 🕶🎩 you've been a tad quiet compared to other times which isn't usually your way my beautiful.

My turn to ask with concern RUOK my gorgeous. Please ubAok Grandz. We're in this 🤝 along with many lovely caring friends. We all wish peace for you dear SSS. Wow still beaming over that one. You're the master girl!

Grandy love no matter how hard and by gum we know how hard it gets, time without fail and decent sleep helps us through my friend and of course much love and care from your real friends here.

Remember our code gorgeous if postings too hard.

I'm not wanting you to feel obliged to post back, if it's too hard that's quite ok hun just want to know you're safe and ok beautiful.

Oh oh ... if you look under the table cloth over there you'll find a bucket full of love 💜 warmth 🔥and sunlight 🌞.

In the fridge is a Coffee Frappe completely naughty but harmless and best of bests no calories. Kaboomb

Dear love you're never ever alone. Always in my thoughts 🗯 with deep love and many hugs


Community Member

Hi Grandy, Deebi-

Are you OK there Grandy? I hope everything is OK. The cooler weather is lovely! I always think from here on eventually we will get to Autumn which is so glorious...

Take care, fluffy soft cuddles from little Sam xooxo

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Oh good you've finished your nice cuppa tea had a lovely relaxing bubble bath now you're all tucked in with your beautiful furs.

Gently smoothing your hair out while holding your hand sweetyheart Grandy.

I thought better of singing you to sleep because a coma wouldn't be so refreshing I'd say.

So there's some gentle pan flute playing in the background by Leo whatsy who who... who's very good.

Sent a little tiny Angel over to your pillow to keep an 👁 while we sleep precious friend.

Grandy pubAok I/we need you love and care very much.

Nigh night blossom 👩‍❤️‍👩💜🤝👀🤗🗯🌞

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Deebi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩, Tess, Hanna, Paws, and everyone.

I am sorry I haven’t been able to reply to you all..I haven’t been really doing so well....

Mrs NSC...her son and dil..had such a huge argument out front of her home...everyone swearing and name calling some terrible degrading names to each other...in front of the children (4) who were crying so much...It was horrible to listen to...then her children took off home..then not even ten minutes after she phoned me crying to have a coffee with her..I told her I can’t because I’m about to go into town...Then she started crying and said she needs some company so I went over very reluctantly..

I went over and gave her a cuddle because she was crying..then over a coffee she belittled and continued to do so for more then 2 hours..swearing, yelling cursing them disowning them...telling me over and over again what it was all about...by now I had been triggered....Oh then she asked me to get something from town for her..so I said I better go before the shop closes....I bought her what she wanted..got home then realised I had to give it to her...I went next door to give them to her...again another coffee she had ready for me....I was trapped over their to scared to say no because it was ready made and she was in a bad way....another 3 hours of listening to it all over again...Just like my late husband she wouldn’t let it go..I finally managed to get home....and was not in a good way...

I locked myself inside my house turned my phone off..so she wouldn’t see me or ring me....next thing Betty comes to mine..because my sons have been trying to ring me and we’re worried about me.,so they rang Betty to check on me...I caused them worries because my phone was turned off...Wasn’t thinking about them calling me and getting concerned...Just wanted some peace from Mrs NSC.

I’m doing okay today after I spoke to my children..was gently told by them..to please leave my phone on..or turn it on at around 9pm...for them to ring me...

I’ve whinged enough here..just thought I would let you know what’s been happening...I am doing better each day..I don’t hear or see Mrs.NSC..I am sure she has two sides to her personality...Idk...

Deebi..pubaok..Love you dearest bbff..💚🦋🐻🤗..

My love, hugs and care to you all..💜🤗🦋..


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hey there gorgeous (gorji) 👩‍❤️‍👩 Hannah and other lovelies 🖐

So good seeing you sweetyheart.
Oh darl you've been doing super hard yards haven't you poor darling 🤗.
Wow really hard isn't it especially that she was so worked up.
Not good the triggers. Ah darlin it must have been so horrid.

How lovely the boys being concerned and ringing Betty. I'm glad because it would have been good seeing her no doubt although by then you were in bad shape geez.

How sweet them gently saying about the phone. Sounds like a good plan.

I doubt if anyone sees this as I don't either about whinging lovey this is for people to release you did well sweets.

So good hearing you're daily doing better. See you're getting stronger our girl. Awesome!

Mean it honeyheart thanks so much letting us know ☺
Missed you 💜🤗

Sweet while I think of it I've always enjoyed and dear Mr beautiful 😍 does too doing wordfind they're fun. Maybe help you widdle some time away.

Always here if you need to talk gorgeous SSS.
Heaps of love Grandy always 🗯💜👩‍❤️‍👩🤗🕊🤝👀

Hi Grandy

I just popped into your thread as I haven't seen your bubbly lovely self around the forums and wanted to see if you were ok. Sounds like you've had a difficult time, but are coming back ok again, so that's really good to hear. Sorry you had to go through that. I'm glad you've had your furs there with you to keep you company and give you some needed cuddles.

My kind thoughts to you, as you're really a very special person here on the forums. Katy x

Community Member

Hi Grandy,

I thought something must be wrong, you've not been around lately... I am sorry to hear you had to go through all that, oh dear you didn't need that did you!!!! How unpleasant to hear all the arguing and then the woman venting to you for ages. How upsetting for you, I am glad your children rang you...

Is she next door to you Grandy?

I hope you can have a quite few days and cuddle your furs and recover from it all. At least it was nothing to do with you and you weren't involved with the actual arguing... and you tried to help here by listening and being there for her, full credit to you for managing to do that.

Have a peaceful restful time now and give yourself time to recover. What a way to start the year! Still it sounds like you managed it amazingly well, good on you.

Now take a break and look after yourself!!!! fluffy hugs from little Sam, squishy loving ones!!! oxoxoxo