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My son

Community Member
Hi i lost my son 12 years ago i am finding it hard to cope with the loss i havent had any help in the past i feel i need to talk to some one about this 
5 Replies 5

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

HI Cuddlegoth, welcome to Beyond Blue forum

The first step is to see you GP and he/she can organise treatment. Search on the tabs above for more assistance. Read up here on the hundreds of posts by others. Or you could expand your post further to include more details and help here would be more forthcoming.

Actually you've already made the first brave step by posting here.  Dont feel ashamed. You are not alone here. Good luck

Take care. Tony WK


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Cuddlegoth, welcome to the site.

I'm so sorry for your loss, it doesn't matter whether it's a day or 12 years they all mean the same too, and boy, it is so difficult to find any peace in accepting this, I just wonder whether this time is of any significance to you, so please we would like to know so you can share your grief with us. Geoff.

Thank you for that i will

Community Member
No not really at this time because he passed in July it is just the thinking of him and then it gets to me 

Dear Cuddlegoth


I too would like to share my support for you.


12 years is a long time to keep things close to your chest about such a tragic event.  12 years is no time at all on the other hand, when it comes to the loss of your son.  As Geoff said, 1 day, 12 years – the grief is still real and deep.  The rawness though very much belongs in the early stages.


I guess you’ve had circumstances that have led you to not be able to express your grief through sharing this with others.


I really hope that by you, in the first instance, coming here can be a positive step forward for you.  Your love and your emotion for your son is and will always be strong and deep.  What we need to do now is to try and get you to unload about things – at your own speed and remember this is about your healing.


I won’t write much more at this stage, but I would really love to hear back from you.


We’ll be here to support you as much as you would like and hopefully to be able to steer you in the right direction.


Kind regards

