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I miss him so much today.

Community Member


I lost my beloved cat nearly 7 weeks ago. I was devoted to him for the 3 and a half years I had him. He was killed and I have been devastated and dealing with my grief on a daily basis.


Today,I just miss him so much. I feel like I need a cat in my life,but I am just looking for him in every cat I see. I know I can never have him back,but I just long for him. It is the worst pain. Everything is so silent now. That makes me miss him harder.


 I also feel now like I want to eat everything in my path to help deal.


Thank you for hearing me.


19 Replies 19

Community Champion
Community Champion

ABC01, I'm glad that you're able to look at things from a new perspective - sometimes that's all you need to start feeling better about something.


I can definitely understand not being fully ready to adopt new furry friends. Of course, it takes time to reflect on good memories and moments before you feel that you're ready or want to make new ones, and that's okay. I know that I love my cats dearly, but my childhood cat will always hold a special place in my heart as well, as well as my childhood dog. That's the good thing about having so much love in your heart - there's room in there for both previous and current pets.


How are you feeling currently? Has it helped to look through photos or reflect on memories at all? 

Community Member

Dear sbella02,


It has helped to start to create shadow boxes and print the photos I want to frame. It feels like I am spending time with him when I do it.


I however am not doing very well. I miss him when I first wake up, I miss him during the day,I miss him at night and I miss him the most right before I go to bed. I am finding it hard to feel sleepy. I am finding it hard to want to get out of bed in the morning. I find sleeping is better then being awake. 8 weeks have passed and I feel like life is worse then ever. I am on medication and connected to mental health professionals, but I don’t feel like they are working. I feel like everyday is groundhog day. The same over and over. Last week I was very angry. This week I am very sad. Grief is a very lonely long road. I just wish other people in my house would say his name. Major. He has disappeared from our home very quickly from others and I feel like his memory is not being respected. My expectations of others are flat on the ground. It is very sad. My gauge truly isn’t that far off in real life. You can’t change other people,but they could at least have some empathy for longer then the 3 weeks they honestly gave.
Sorry to offload alot,but thank you for asking about me.

Thank you,



Community Champion
Community Champion

What a beautiful tribute, photos can be such a great way of dealing with grief. Like you said, it can feel like you're reliving certain memories. You also don't have to apologise for offloading, we're here to listen and support you, so you can offload as much as you need to.


I feel like I see that a lot with people who have either never had a pet or weren't particularly close with a pet that has passed, where it can feel like other people move on quite quickly or don't take it as seriously, which can feel frustrating. Sometimes, for those who did have more of a connection with a lost pet, this can just be because some people prefer to deal with their grief in a quiet and private way. 

Is there anyone in your family, or any friends or loved ones, who you'd feel comfortable talking to about how you're feeling? Is there anyone who has had a connection with your cat who you may be able to open up to and reminisce with?


That's the other thing that I've learned - grief isn't a linear process with distinct stages that happen in order, people experience these stages at different times and intensities. Every grieving process is different, and everyone finds comfort in different activities or rituals during different stages of their grief. It's important to be patient with yourself during this time. What you're going through is very normal for pet owners who have suffered a loss, particularly if it's recent as yours is. Your cat was and still is important to you, and such a sudden loss can take a big toll on you. 


Keep remembering all the positive moments that you both shared, and do whatever you feel you need to in order to treasure him. If you're into art or writing at all, creative outlets like this can also be a good means of processing grief and representing life. 

Community Member

It is a pretending day today.
I have to pretend that I am okay. I have to pretend that my sense of humor is back and I am engaging people like I used too.
But it is just a front. Inside it is a hollow feeling, even as I am doing it.
No one asks how I am anymore in regards to my grief or loss. So I just have to pretend.
Does anyone else have to pretend?

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear ABC01~

I guess there are lot of people that pretend things are ok when they are not. I do it myself when PTSD makes me overemotional or depression makes me unmotivated and feeling pointless. I realise your feelings come from grief, but the idea is the same.


Then if a casual acquaintance or colleague  asks I'll say I'm fine. It gets over the tedious repetitive explanations to those that probable won't understand and makes things seem to go smoother.


With someone I know will understand I'm much more likely to tell the truth - even if it is a repetition of what I've said before. No easy answers but there is an important difference. I do not feel as isolated and alone. I don't expect them to be able to 'fix' things, but just taking the time to care can mean a lot, and leaving me knowing it's ok to feel as I do.



Community Member

Thank you Croix,

I have to pretend because these people aren't able to understand my grief or know what to do about it.

I do have one person though, but that aren't always available to contact.

But thank you for your words.


Community Member

Yes! definitely pretending over here too. Hollow feeling. Yup. How are you doing anyway ABC? I hope some nice things happen on your weekend, even on the pretending days. Pawsy

Community Member

Dear pawsy,

Today I spent the day doing stuff on my computer, but had my memorial candle lit next to me. It is made out of wood and has his name on it,and then a tealight candle pops into it for you to light. In a silly way, I hope the light from the candle reached him. There aren’t many things I believe about death and the after life, but I do find some comfort in candle flames. Perhaps the energy created by the flame/fire can somehow reach him and his energy/soul where ever that may be. Or maybe it is just a comfort for ME.


In all honesty pawsy, I am not doing great. Three months have passed and I feel like I have no idea how I got here. The days and weeks have passed but I’m not engaged in them and they just keep passing. It is making a tornado brew inside me and I feel like I’m going to do something reckless. Not harmful physically. It is just like I don’t give a rat’s and once I hit that limit, I will probably say or do something that upsets someone close to me. And that will probably cause issues,but I just don’t care about it.


 I don’t really care about anything. Without answers to find comfort and direction in them, I am stuck. Death is really hard to find “answers” to. I am just exhausted. Hence the pretending.


Thank you for your reply. Are you okay?

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear ABC01~

That wooden candle with the gentle tea-light flame sounds a really good idea, if nothing else it gives you comfort and acknowledges death does not stop a relationship.


As for the chances of recklessly letting fly as someone -so what? any sensible person will realise that you are grieving and they need to make allowances for that. It might even do you good.



Community Member


It was good to read your message. thanks for sending. I relate to a lot of it ... "the days and weeks have passed but im not engaged in them and they just keep passing". yes, understand it. "it is making a tornado brew inside me" yessir. understand this too -- "Without answers to find comfort and direction in them, I am stuck" Me too. You express it very well. ... what are we going to do?? I think your point about answers is really good ... usually we grow by learning more about the thing thats challenging us, but we cant learn more about death, only how it affects us -- and in some ways that just hammers home the point of our isolation (from the dead person) and the one sidedness of it all. It's very hard. i'm tired too. I got a referral from my gp to see a psych, so i will ring her today -- but i feel like ten sessions is not going to do much. still, i would like to tell someone what is going on inside me., so.


i like your candle. i keep a box of unopened incense in my bed because then the smell in the room reminds me of my mum. fragrance is comforting ... i guess because its invisible and feels like it could be from her. i might try a candle today. the flame is quiet/calm which is nice.


hope you have an okay week. let us know! take care

