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Family. You can't choose them.
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When I was 16, almost 17, I moved out of home, because I had a disagreement with my family, they stopped talking to me for almost a year, I moved in with my ex, after living with him and his family for almost a year I decided that it wasn't working anymore and decided to move in with my Nan and Pop. Then my parents started talking to me again. I then found the love of my life, and after dating 6 months I moved in with him and his family. My family still talked to me, then after my partner and I had been together for about 2 years, my Mum had a falling out with my partners family, because she doesn't think before she speaks, and she insulted my father in law, and didn't apologise or anything, and I told her that she offended him, and all I got was I don't care from her, then she stopped talking to me, then I found out I was pregnant with my first child, and I told them, they started talking to me again, but never visited me. My partners family wanted to move to NSW from Tasmania, as they have family in NSW, and I loved him, so I decided to go with him, plus I was also having his child, every child needs their father, we decided though to move when our child was about 3 months old, when I told them, they started visiting me, this was only once or twice though, then I gave birth to my daughter, my first born, their first grandchild, and they only visited me in hospital. I was emotionally depressed because of this, I used to cry all the time,
I always tried to think about what I had done wrong, but I hadn't done anything, so my partner decided to take matter into his own hands, and remind them that we were moving in a couple of months, they came over a couple more times after that to visit me and my daughter. During that short time though, my Mum had again offended my Father in law, so again I told her, but we were moving anyway so she didn't really care. We moved to NSW and my family kept in contact with me for a little while, then they stopped. After a couple of months they got back in contact but only because I owed them some money, which I was behind on (they got a loan out for me, and not paying it was the only way they would talk to me). So for a couple of weeks it was all good. my daughter had her first Christmas (they sent presents up for that and only a text message from them), then her first birthday came along (nothing, no call, no text and no presents), straight after her birthday we moved, then my partner and I decided to get married, now I understand that asking someone if they can come from Tasmania to a NSW Wedding is a big ask, but my sister agreed to it, said she had bought her tickets, had got time off work and everything, she was going to be my bridesmaid, my only bridesmaid. I didn't even have a back up because she said it was a definite. I spent almost $500 on a dress, jewellery and a present for her, then 1 to 2 weeks before my wedding I get a Facebook message from my sister apologising, saying that she can't come to my wedding because she can't get time off work, I believed her, and tried to find a replacement, but no luck at all, as I still hadn't made any friends, so my daughter became my bridesmaid. I had spoken to my Mum a couple of days before because I was behind again, but I explained to her because my sister couldn't be here, I had to go and find some clothes for my 1 year old daughter to wear as my bridesmaid. The night before the wedding I couldn't sleep I got up and checked Facebook, turns out my sister did come to NSW after all she was in Canberra. So I sent her a message, and then she went on, saying how because my husband knew some bikies that she was going to get arrested when she went back to Tasmania, like our friends that rode bikes was going to make her take drugs home or something. My husband sent her a message (I read it as it was my Facebook), saying that she had ruined my day, and how she was meant to be family and be here for me, not lie to me. My husband and I got married, I waited a week to hear anything from my parents, nothing, not one peep, not even a have a good day on my wedding day, no good luck, nothing whatsoever, no congratulations afterwards, not even one like on a photo on Facebook. Nothing from any of my family, none of the uncles and aunts I had on Facebook congratulated me, not even my brother or sister did. So I did the only thing I could so that I would stop looking at their profile, which upset, I deleted them, I deleted their phone numbers, everything about them has gone, this has made me a little happier, what affected me afterwards though, was when. I deleted them they had open profiles so you could see everything, and they didn't know why I deleted them, they complained about it on Facebook and said they did nothing wrong, but they all knew, every single one of my family members knew that my sister was meant to come to my wedding, and they all lied to me and then when I found out I'm made out to be the bad person.
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After I had my second child 6 weeks after I got married, my family expected me to call them and apologise to them, when I did nothing wrong. They all lied to me, they all thought I was scum. Because my husband was friends with people that rode bikes. 2 weeks after I moved to NSW I posted a picture on Facebook of my husband with his friends, instantly my Aunty removed me, her reason was "I can't be in contact with those types of people, because of my "security job", and then I was also told that if I went to Tassie to visit them when my Aunt was there I wouldn't be allowed to go near her or anything, not even at Christmas time, because "if she is found to be involved with those "types of people" then she could lose her job". I'm sorry but that is just ridiculous, so I told them that it was ok because I was never going back there to visit if that was the way they were going to be.