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Why do I feel this way

Community Member
i don't know why.... I have a good job (can be very stressful most of the time), a beautiful wife and 3 gorgeous kids. I can't wait to get home to them every day but when I do, I feel terrible. I get moody, upset and feel I snap all the time. It's like they don't understand me but yet I don't understand me. When I'm at work, I'm too busy to feel this way but seem to want to lock myself away when I get home to my beautiful family. I feel ungrateful that the main things or people who should make me happy, can't. Should I see someone about it it just toughen up and realise that I'm being silly and have no right to be unhappy considering who lucky I am to have such a great family and life.
5 Replies 5

Community Member
If you don't know why you are feeling as you do then you should seek help to gain some understanding of why you do.                     What does it mean to "just toughen up?" How would you actually achieve that? It isn't a question of you having the right or not having the right to feel as you do - You feel what you feel.                                       Talk to your GP about whats going on and he/she may feel that you need to see a therapist to help you understand why that is. This is something you need to confront and deal with.  Philip.

Community Member
Hi mate, it must be very difficult and confusing for you to deal with those kinds of moods. It sounds like you do realise you are blessed, but that you are battling something something that seems out of your control. Please don't ever feel like they're just representative of you being weak, there could be so many factors causing you to act/feel this way (you already mentioned the stresses of work). Have these changes been recent, or has this been a long-term problem for you?  

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Guest 5895,

Welcome to the community here at Beyond Blue.

I find it is sometimes difficult for me to understand and comprehend why I feel and act the way I do at times. I am at the stage now where I need to find answers before I go bang and maybe really upset someone because I don't know what is going on in my own head.

So what do you do the minute you arrive home?

Is there some way you can release the tension or anticipation that you feel so life runs a bit smoother once you walk in the door?

My husband has been out of work for two years so is always home. I need a bit of space when I first get home and don't like to be bombarded straight away.

As I am a self employed contractor, I often have a hundred and one thoughts in my head about my clients and things I need to sort out as soon as I get home. I try to sort out what I can these days before I arrive home so I am not feeling so tense when I walk in the door.

Is there something you could do to defuse yourself? A change of routine at home might help.

When you find some answers, then please let me know what works for you!

Cheers for now from Lauren 


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

dear Guest, hi and nice to see you again, but what you have said only means that you are no different than other people struggling to get on with life.

This doesn't mean that you don't love your family , your just having difficulty coping so this does mean that you should book an appointment with your doctor, and please don't hesitate. Geoff.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Guest 5895,

If this is something that has been going on for a while, I definitely think that you would benefit from talking to someone about it. When you are stressed, small things can quickly become larger issues and have a snowball effect on the rest of your life. By talking to someone, you may get a clearer idea of the things that are causing you to feel this way. 

If you don't feel comfortable talking to someone face to face, Beyond Blue is a great place to start and there will always be someone who wants to listen and help you.

Doing some meditation for 10-15 minutes before you leave the office may also help de-stress and place you in a better frame of mind by the time you get home to your family. 
