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What’s going on with me?

Community Member

Hi everyone,

I’d love some advice from anyone willing to help. The last 2 weeks I have been feeling very down and I have been crying at the drop of a hat. I have found that my work life has been made difficult because I simply can’t get through without wanting to cry. I spent 1hour at work this morning before having to go home because I couldn’t keep the tears away. There’s a few things going on in my life at the moment, but there’s definitely not anything that’s playing on my mind. I’m finding it hard to stay focused and concentrated. People will be having a conversation with me and it seems to be going straight over my head. All I want to do is be in my bed. I am sad and I don’t even know why. Any suggestions to help get out of this awful headspace?

3 Replies 3

Community Member

Hey anotherpuglover

Sorry to hear about what you are going through right now, I know exactly how you feel. This sort of thing happens to a lot of people for a lot of reasons and like in your case seemingly no reason at all. I think something is definitely on your mind you just might not be fully conscious of it yet, you said you have a few things going on in your life at the moment, have you taken time to really think about them? are they things that probably should be playing on the fore front of your mind? its okay if they are I bottle up things like that all the time. Its important to be really conscientious about the things going on around us. Its how we see the world, we need to think our problems through and come up with a solution its why we have brains. If you find it hard to focus in your daily life take some time to do what you like doing, take a break, take some time to think about yourself, your life. If you have the privilege of being able to have conversations with other people, really take it to heart. really listen to them, even if its monotonous. You might find if you devote yourself to listening to others you might find lessons in what they have to say even if they are small ones.

Convince yourself that staying in bed and just being sad just won't help the problem, getting out, doing what makes you happy, create problems that you know you can solve, you'll find that you will happier the more little goals you kick. I hope somewhere within this post you find an answer.

Best of Luck!

Thankyou for your reply. It’s good to have some insight from a stranger. I will take everything you’ve said into mind and hopefully get on top of whatever is bothering me!

Thanks again!

No problem, wishing you the best on your journey!