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wanting to seek help and medication

Community Member
sorry if i am not doing this right, im new. I have been feeling very depressed for four years now, and i want something to change. i have doctors appointment next week and i was wondering if anyone had tips on how to tell doctors that you think you have a mental illness. fr me personally i have taken online tests (which i know is not a hundred percent legitimate) and i am fairly certain i have borderline personality disorder. i feel like the doctor wont take me seriously because im 14 but these types of illnesses are genetic and i have been feeling like this for the longest time and yeah. i finally want to seek help. how o i tell my doctor i want medication/certain i have a mental illness? im naturally shy.
3 Replies 3

Community Member

It's tough at 14. I appreciate what you're saying about not being taken seriously by doctors and it can be a scary prospect. They generally want to help, it's just sometimes not what we want or expect. Also, there are many ways to make ourselves feel better. Yes, drugs can help, but they work best when we have a holistic approach to our health. But with the doctor just be honest. Tell them how long you've felt unwell. Tell them how you feel. Describe with words. If you're desperate, express that. They will more than likely want you to see a psychologist first before giving you medication. That can be a good thing. If you really want to talk to someone experienced in medication for mental health ask them to write you a referral to a psychiatrist. Just say I would like a referral to see a psychiatrist - I suggest seeing how you go with the GP first.

Also, please don't be fairly certain you have BPD. Every online test tells me I almost certainly have it, too. I've even been diagnosed with it by a psychiatrist because I tick all the boxes, but then had another psychiatrist say I don't. So, in the end, I am not certain I have it, and I'm good with that. Doctors are advised against diagnosing before the age of 18. However, the best person to talk to about this would be a highly experienced clinical psychologist or a psychiatrist.


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Imagine,

Welcome to the forums.

I am sorry that your struggling with your mental health..

Even though you are only 14 you are the only one who knows how your feeling and what your thoughts are..

Imagine, The Dr will take you seriously, regardless of your age.. it's called duty of care..What you need to say to your gp. Is to be totally open and honest in the exact way your feeling..Dr are not mind readers, unless you tell them how your feeling, your fears, your thoughts, your anxieties the gp won't be able to help..

Once you speak to your gp, he/she will more likely give you another mh test similar to the one your doing on line. Then if he/she thinks/knows you have mh issues you will be put onto a Mental Health care plan then the dr and professional psychologists can care for you properly. There is no need to be frightened or nervous..

Good luck with your Drs appointment, and Please Imagine, let us know how you get on..

Kind and caring thoughts,


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Imagine, it makes me feel so sad when young people suffer from any mental illness, I am really sorry.

Please let me welcome you to the site.

Before you see the doctor I would write down on a note-pad exactly how you are feeling, keep adding onto it, but if possible try and keep it in a brief form, rather than write a whole book, because if this happens then the doctor will get lost.

BB has the K-10 test which will rate your degree of depression on a scale of 1 to 10, try and do it several times, but not straight after the other, different times and different days so you can then take this with you when you have your appointment.

Your doctor will also ask whether depression runs in the family, on your mum's side or your dad's side and will then make a decision.

We wish you the best and please let us know.
