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- Waiting for meds to work
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Waiting for meds to work
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Hi all,
Im looking for some ideas. I was on anti-depressants for two years then my doc switched me to a different one which I had bad side effects from. I was working overseas and having tapered off the old one, I thought I was fine so decided to just not bother continuing with the new one. Three months later, the depression has hit me like a truck. I’ve re-started the first medication and I’m trying to push through but I have a high stress job and zero energy or motivation. Does anyone have ideas on getting through the weeks until meds start working?
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Dear Raynor,
Thanks for sharing about your struggles with us. Sometimes even the simple act of reaching out can take a load off our minds.
I think it's great too that you were/are able to recognise the slip and take action on it; very wise move in my opinion.
In response though as to what to do until the meds start working, you should know that I am not a medical or health professional of any kind, so the only piece of advice I have is to maybe try getting some exercise, like a walk around the block? I did a workout today and afterwards I had a quick chat with the other lady at the gym and we talked about the benefit of exercise and how it gets the 'happy hormones' going and flowing. I felt great after it too, albeit a little exhausted .... haven't done a decent workout all winter, pretty much. But in this last week or so I have done two workouts and am definitely feeling better. The benefits of exercise are almost instant.
Anyway, I don't know if that helps or not, but at least I hope it does help you to know that you've been heard and validated, and that we are here for you and with you. Hope you start to feel better soon. xo
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I hear you, mate. It’s such a frustrating process starting meds, and as the days drag on we start to question whether or not it’ll ever kick in.
When I’m at my worst, I’ll try to distract myself with silly phone games. Anything that is quite simple, but has a clear goal/reward system seems to help. The Simpsons: Tapped Out has kept me busy in the past, as there’s an element of city planning to it as well, so you can even just jump in and re-arrange things until you’re happy with them.
If phone games aren’t your thing, then there are communities like this one which can be quite helpful. I downloaded the mighty app, and found it comforting — in conjunction with the forums here as well.
Whatever happens, don’t let anyone on the internet suggest this or that in regards to your current treatment. Your meds and dosage are a matter for you and your treating physician. If anyone tries to offer any contradictory advice, just politely remind them of that.
All the best, my friend. Here’s hoping for some relief soon.
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Hi Raynor,
Welcome to the community here. I too would like to recommend you have a chat with your Dr about your progress with the medication.
Do you recall how you felt when you first took the medication? Is this similar?
As others have mentioned, are there ways you can distract yourself when your depression is becoming overwhelming?
One thing I have been trying to do is accept there are days when I will feel depressed, sometimes very depressed. I get through those days moment by moment and try to think what I could do differently the next day so I don't feel that way again.
Different strategies will work for different people. Hopefully you can find what will help for yourself to distract your thoughts and add more positivity to your life.
Wishing you all the best from Dools
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Thanks for the replies. I never heard of the mighty app, I’ll check it out. It’s been a week now back on the meds and so far they’ve just made me nauseous and gassy ha
Worried about work. I took a day off last week and again this week because I couldn’t drag myself out the door. I’m lucky to have a fair bit of flexibility but if I keep taking sick days, people will ask questions. I’m not in an industry where depression is ok.
Also missed my first psychologist appointment this week because I got the day wrong.
Have to force myself tomorrow to fake normality for work. Wish me luck. Thanks for understanding
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Hi Raynor,
Hope you managed okay at work. You mentioned you don't believe depression is okay in your industry, it is such a shame where mental health issues are not accepted and understood.
Does your work place have a policy manual about health? If so do you know if it discriminates against mental health issues as I am sure that is just not legal these days.
Many people just don't understand mental health issues are legitimate medical conditions.
Have you been able to reschedule your psychologist appointment?
Do you have plans for the weekend? Can you think of one thing you would like to do then try and find ways to make it happen.
Some people find ginger tablets or ginger tea help with feelings of nausea. For me it is peppermint and sea sick tablets. A Dr may also be able to prescribe some Maxalon to help with the nausea.
A chat with a chemist might come up with some ideas to help as well.
All the best from Dools