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Community Member


So this is my first time writing on here and i'm just feeling unsure about how i'm feeling and what to do. For many years i've suffered with depression and anxiety. In the past few months its gotten worse and I don't know what to do. I've tried medication but that never helped it just made me feel numb inside. My mental health doesn't just effect me but others around me and I take my anger out of my partner and family when I don't mean to.

Can anyone give me any tips with what to do before it gets any worse. Also, does anyone recommend self administration into a psych/hospital?

thankyou, S.

4 Replies 4

Community Member

Hello S98.

I'm really sorry that you're feeling like this, but its great that you've reached out here. There are lots of people who can relate to where you're at, so you're not alone in this.

I just wanted to tell you about my experience of hospitalisation, because I've been in several times. Firstly, there is a very big difference between public and private hospital. I've only discussed private here, though I've been in both.

When I've been in a private hospital it has been a positive experience. There were a mix of a lot of different types of people there, with different kinds of symptoms and severity. Some people go inpatient when they're very unwell and need crisis care, and others go in when they just need more intense support than they get on the outside, to learn new skills to manage, or change/start medication.

In my experience their are groups that run each day to teach you about your illness and skills that will help you to manage your symptoms, relationship, self-esteem etc. I've seen a lot of people REALLY benefit from this. At the hospital I've been at it's a 3 week program, but people stay for lots of different lengths of time depending on how they are.

Deciding to go into hospital is a difficult decision (it still is for me, even though I've had to be admitted several times). The main thing I hear from people is "but am I really unwell enough?" Maybe you can relate to this. But in your post you mention that you want to do something before it gets worse. And I think maybe this is one of the keys- It is usually easier to learn and use skills when you're not at crisis point.

I hope this helps a little. Hospital might seem like a big deal, but it doesn't need to be. It is actually a very brave and responsible thing to do, and if you are in danger it is crucial. My psychologist tells me that I need to "see hospital as just another tool in my kit", rather than get so down on myself for going in. In my experiences the staff have been wonderfully caring and supportive and the connections made with other patients who are on this same journey, is just as important. It can make us feel so much less alone in our battle.

If I can help you further, let me know.

Take care,

Alexlisa x

Community Member

Thankyou so much for your help, I really appreciate it.

Just wondering, do you need to be on medication to be admitted?

thanks, S.

Community Member

I've always been on meds when I've arrived, but I don't think so. Best to just give the hospital a call to ask.

You mentioned that you had tried medication in the past. From my own experience (and what I've seen of others), it can sometimes take a lot of tries to find one that helps. But for me it's been easier to start a medication while in hospital because I had all of the emotional and medical support available at all times.


Community Member

Thankyou for all your help, very much appreciated.
