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Unsure of feelings

Community Member

I guess I’m just wanting to write down how I’m feeling/have felt for the last few months as it seems unusual. I have a great job, wife, kid, house and yet lately overall I’ve been feeling bummed out. On paper it looks like I’ve ticked all the boxes and shouldn’t have anything to be sad or unhappy about as there are many people who would see my life as great yet I still feel crappy. I’m not a talker of my feelings as such and I think the anonymity here is helpful.

i have plenty of support but I really find it difficult to broach the subject to people that know me. Further, I then don’t want to be treated with kit gloves as a result.

I get plenty of exercise and remain motivated, eat well and generally do all the things I’ve read that say “this is what you should do to be happier and healthier” yet again I still feel unhappy

ultimately, I think I feel guilty that I have everything most people want out of life yet I’m not happy with my life...

just wondering if anyone else has felt this way and in a similar scenario and what they’ve done to combat he negative feelings

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Knicks13 and welcome to the forums,

I'm glad you've found a place you feel able to speak openly. I think when you read around a bit you'll notice many of us here feel the same way...

I have a good life... Why am I unhappy?

I have no reason to be depressed...

The list goes on. My point... This feeling is common but also an important sign that something is going on within you that needs to be addressed.

If you feel able on the bb website there is a section called the facts where you can find the K10 checklist. It is a very good tool to try and see if you're experiencing symptoms of depression and or anxiety. If you find your score is high is is time to book a long appointment with your GP and speak openly. Or even print this post if the words won't come.

Even if your score is low there is something valid happening to you. You're doing what you can to be healthy and still feel unhappy.

Is there anyone in your family you would feel safe to talk to? I find sometimes I feel down not just because of my depression but because of a lack of connection and purpose. Are there any other factors you need to consider that might be bringing you down?

Like what? Lack of meaningful work? Isolation? Reduced intimacy and connection? Again... There are many factors. Can you think of any that need work?

You're very welcome here. There is a thread called Men Isolated in the staying well section which really could use some more men willing to reach out and talk about how they feel. Maybe you can practice opening up there?

Kind thoughts,


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Knicks,

I’m glad you received a caring and informative welcome from Nat 🙂

You know, I personally think there isn’t always a tangible or very obvious reason behind some mental health struggles. Sometimes there is a reason while other times, “it just is”...

Maybe it’s my overactive imagination but I feel there’s a certain sense of emptiness in your writing. Tick, tick, tick for all the “right” boxes (so to speak) but there’s no detectable passion or zest for life...something to think about maybe. Sorry, I hope you don’t mind me saying it. It’s just a gentle observation, that’s all.

If it reassures you a little, i feel many people are in a similar boat. Having all those wonderful people and things like spouse, house, kids, job, etc doesn’t make any one of us immune to mental health problems...

I’m glad you’re finding the anonymity helpful here. It’s a huge drawcard for a lot of people. Perhaps if you’re not ready for face-to-face yet, another option to consider later on is anonymous helplines. The phone counsellor doesn’t know you and you don’t know him or her. Just a gentle idea...

Caring thoughts,


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Knicks,

I just wanted to say that I’m thinking of you. Sorry, I don’t know if I ended up posting my earlier reply (or accidentally hit “cancel” instead as I do that from time to time).

In any case, I just wanted to say that I hear what you’re saying and that I’m glad you reached out, and that Nat is supporting you so kindly.

Caring thoughts,
