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Early pregnancy depression

Community Member

Hi there.

I am a 36 year old woman who is 7 weeks pregnant and struggling with a low mood. I have previously had anxiety and depression and I am on a safe medication to controlle it through my pregnancy. But unfortunately at this stage its not doing much for me. I'm struggling right now with hormones and feeling I'll and it reminds me of being in one of my depression states as the symtoms are the same. At some points it makes me have my growing baby and I feel guilty for that. Just won't to know if any one ells has experienced this and does it pass as the pregnancy progresses. Please help.

4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Louies,

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Even if you're struggling now it is lovely news. Seven weeks is very early. Have you told anyone yet or waiting till the 13 weeks? It might be a good idea if you are feeling low to confide in a trusted friend or family member just so you have a form of support.

You mentioned medication but do you see anyone for therapy? If I could go back and do both pregnancies again I'd find a psychologist I click with and visit once a fortnight or so. Your support network will be vital once the baby is born. It helps to have a system in place in advance.

I experienced depression throughout my second pregnancy and it is too easy to blame hormones and changes. In hindsight I wish I had known about creating a mood diary to track basic symptoms. It is easy for a doctor to say oh of course you are depressed. You're having trouble sleeping being pregnant. It helps to have records to show whether the mood remains even on days where you have slept decently.

I found being pregnant was a wonderful excuse for self care. It was the one time where I could invest time on healthy meals that weren't a diet, try activities to calm and reduce stress and say it is good for bubby 😊.

Being pregnant helped me into a routine of daily exercise that helped enormously. The goal wasn't weight loss. Just 15 minutes of daily exercise to keep you fit for birth. No pressure. No put downs or body shaming. There were days where I did 10 mins or even bad days where 5 was all I could do. But there was no judgement. Any exercise is better for your circulation than none. Please see your doctor first though to make sure it's ok.

My point is it is 100% ok to have days where you hate the baby. Pregnancy is a massive change. It is bloody scary too. The changes ahead. The worry about bub being healthy. The worry about coping if you are already depressed now. These feelings I know too well.

Time to ask for help and look at your supports. Get a good team in place now before the baby so you are supported and safe. Most of all discuss the problems with your medications and your concerns for the future with your doctor.

You're not alone. If it helps you to talk it through please keep writing ok.


Community Member

Hi Nat

Thank you for your kind words it feels good to know there are others out there with the same condition as I I am going to see my GP tonight to let them know how I feel hopefully they'll be able to help me and I've also got an appointment with my counselor to talk as well thank you again for your reply xx

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Louies,

Just wondering how did you go with the doctor and the counsellor? Were they any help for you?

I just remembered about my local women's health care place and realised I hadn't suggested one. If you ask your midwife or obstetrician or even your GP they should know if there is a local women's centre. They are brilliant.

Lots of activites (art therapy, yoga, mums and bubs walking groups... The list goes on) but best of all they usually have a creche and are baby friendly. I remember a woman waiting in the seat next to me with a newborn. She was about to see her psychologist with bub. Places like these cater for women and make asking for support so much more welcoming.

I hope you are feeling positive after seeing your doc. If not no problems we can brainstorm other ideas to help 😊.

Community Member

Hi Quercu's

thank you for replying I did see my doc and he as refering me to a maternal phychiatrest.

And thank you for the advice you have provided I will look into what you have a suggested.

Thank you so much again