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Understanding depression....TO BEAT IT ? *Warning, Contains Triggers*

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

We're here to learn, sure of it. Have to for survival.

Like so many have lived in hell a mammoth amount of times.

I firmly believe collectively we can in majority of cases get on top of depression. We have to, too many die & suffer in unimaginable pain. It's wrong.

We're intelligent, capaple of thought. It has & CAN be done including coming back from the bottom.

A psychiatrist said to me when I said I'm going to beat it..." It can't be done".

I say maybe it hasn't been, but that doesn't mean it can't!

I'm Bipolar type 1 & 2 (now moreso) & yes its taken yrs but condensed not so long, so far (details later) have achieved pulling the extreme type 1 manias down to more controlled type 2 & anyone that experiences or knows the euphoria & complete unadulterated bliss, NO BODY on this Earth wouldnt want it. Its what people take drugs for, Pure happiness/confidence the list goes on ...

Point being, mammoth to let it go but achieved reduction, still amazing though.

I like thinking, am DETERMINED to get this crap, worse scenario under complete control which'd be a WIN!

In shorter time frame thanks to mania that opens or wakes the brain starting to make huge headway breaking through extremely deep depression.

I'm more than a rapid cycler (4 or more a year) I have 8-10 major cycles a year. Gotta get on top else it'll take me too

BP has by far more suicide than any other mental illness I recently read.

4 attempts in teens, contemplated a few & until recently it was an option.

Learning Emotional control

Our brains are possibly the least understood organ but what we do know is they're VERY POWERFUL. If we can understand depression from understanding we can learn. Growth.

Believing creates hope & determination

Sincerely sorry for your pain people.

We can get this

76 Replies 76

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello DB,

im not confident with what I want to ask, maybe I won't make any sense, but I will try.

Um. really not in a good spot,

Ok atm I'm depressed big time...my emotion is sadness/worthlessness, .also with anxiety...emotion is fear/terror...guilt my emotion is self hate..

My question is ( really hoping it's not a dumb one).

How do we if we can do it seperate emotions from depression or bad thoughts. Is depression a thought or an emotion or both? Probably not making sense, but to me depression is everything ugly and evil tied up together and shoved into my brain.

Can we seperate emotions from mh or are they all stuck together. .I've lost my thinking pattern ( happens a lot, not sure why) maybe someone knows what I'm trying to ask. I knew what I wanted to say but it's gone.

Wishing everyone well,


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey my lovely Grandy ☺

Jeez you reckon you couldnt get your point across, im ragged, read it once & know exactly what you mean but not a hope in hadey of an answer tonight lol, seriously took me hrs to get big post to Peps, know what ya mean about head not working, but I do have couple of thoughts in reply for tomoz hun.

I know you're travellin hard atm but you too can hold my hand & we'll give this a go aye, because you want to,so proud of you from such a deep hole, you're on your way already

When you go to bed sweet lady, worked for me once in mania other day, head was firing but good stuff, imagine all your stress goin down into mattress & keep thinking how so tired & comfy, cant wait for lovely restful sleep, thoughts still come but keep redirecting to that. If you want ☺😚🤗

Nigh nite xx

Soz all back there said big site small portion of people in pain, meant to say small portion of over 12 million people that are in pain & look how many are here, heaps & heaps

Hi db

Great idea for a thread, uplifting, inspiring, love it.

If our plans include positive collective ideas on beating depression thats great. Question - if there is part of our depression we can never rid ourselves of, but we accept that those granules of depression arent significant and are part of us, our character, then we can eliminate such as being part of depression..Yes?

Its cheating but its fair. Biologically we may not cure ourselves fully. But as Stephen Fry said "its so much a part of me that if I had my life over again I'd want my depression with me"

Positivity is great in a certain perspective but becomes a disappointment when goals are unreachable i.e we have a unavoidable depressive episode we fought hard to stop.

So I think you are most definately on the right track. However we dont have to imo, beat IT 100%, just a 80% improvement is success, achievable and realistic. The other 20% we learn to tolerate like a crook back.

Because I believe Ive got mine at 50% elimination.

What do you think?

Tony WK

Hi White, nice to see you and thanks for coming in and for your support & thought provoking input.
(Acronym meanings in Depression)

white knight said:

if there is part of our depression we can never rid ourselves of, but we accept that those granules of depression arent significant and are part of us, our character, then we can eliminate such as being part of depression..Yes?

Yeah like your thinking White agree, I think with acceptance it's putting those demons to bed, chain the mutts 🙂 then we've beaten them. So yes if they're not pulling us down then actually it wouldn't be depression as such anymore.

WK: Its cheating but its fair. Biologically we may not cure ourselves fully. But as Stephen Fry said "its so much a part of me that if I had my life over again I'd want my depression with me"

re cheating we're fighting the good fight, the beast fights dirty, so if cheating and we succeed, WIN.
I think too if this is what Stephen Fry's meaning, there's a reason for everything fact, the ONLY good outta depression I can see is by beating or putting demons to bed, a WIN,we become stronger and god knows in life we need that for a shield. I"m positive we're here to learn and being about survival as a race learning about ourselves and becoming stronger is a must as well as thank god for scientists, researchers and many minds taking us forward which we need for survival as well.

White: Positivity is great in a certain perspective but becomes a disappointment when goals are unreachable i.e we have a unavoidable depressive episode we fought hard to stop.

Yes & No White. Yes disappointing & safe to say gauranteed we'll have many set backs, the mutt won't relinquish it's power on us willingly. This is where we need the mindset, our power. So if we accept along the way & probs later too we'll have our moments would help. The trick I'm starting to learn is to realise it's "IT" pulling us down, it wants us to hurt so when we get our resolve through belief and want that we (most) CAN BEAT the downs (our thoughts with emotion attached) just starting to get there, down thought, nah it's the beast, not having it. Rock-Starwolf and I see it as a separate, she says "IT" which I use too. I see as a separate identity which helps no end.

When someone's/things strong we need to be stronger. If it's pulling us down.

Thanks listening and good convo 🙂

White Tony 🙂
White: So I think you are most definately on the right track. However we dont have to imo, beat IT 100%, just a 80% improvement is success, achievable and realistic. The other 20% we learn to tolerate like a crook back.
Because I believe Ive got mine at 50% elimination.

Well done (Y)-facebook fb- like :) Massive accomplish aye, strength. Bet you're feeling good about that, I'm finding it sooo exciting, enough to put me in mania having breakthroughs and as we know, thinkings needed to achieve as well as talking to people, listening. I like forums because people are heard, no distractions or interruptions with people or ?

BTT (back to topic) Talking to doctor yesterday about beating BP (Bipolar) very encouraging, great bloke and Doc, he said it probs still be there but it'd be getting control. That's exactly where I"m aiming, I'd really really really, did I mention REALLY like to keep the mania (no one on this earth wouldn't) not only for the bliss bomb but it opens the mind to thought ideas etc, tools for success and that's proven in history, sadly many with MI that achieved their goals were poison but point is they achieved, some were BP. (BPD- bipolar disorder also Borderline Personality disorder for that acronym). think Hitler sadly and pos Churchill, others too no doubt & many have made a positive difference for us. Way to leave. It's common with MI there's high intelligence, of course depression tells us opposite.

So yeah you're probs right about doesn't have to be 100% which may not be achievable and maybe too high of a goal, though I read an interesting thread a chooky using Ayurveda Indian science of life method, sussed it but need to read stuff few times mostly to sink in but she's in really good head space & survived the hards, it focuses well one thing I remember her saying was on eating properly. Makes sense, everything for a reason We're here, controversial I know but not being religious I don't think we know why yet but we have the tools for survival, food and water, read a book made lot of sense saying about food, gist was all forms of life have food they can tolerate. Fruit and veg have they know and it doesn't seem to waver stuff we need for our whole bodies, mind too.

I'm learning as we all are, and I'll settle for control which is a MEGA WIN. So in my eyes it's beating it.

Have a good day Tony and all 🙂

Grandy me darlin Heya (( hugs, know you're ok with them 🙂

Quote: I'm not confident, probs won't make any sense, hope it's not a dumb question,

That's the beast talking what I'm having success so far with is hearing the thought, no choice thoughts are fast, then saying nah not having it, Knowing it just wants to pull me down is set now.
Also working on changing mindset. From experience of hundreds of hells, I'm thinking and bracing for a whopper down, but counteracting with ok probs will but reinforcing the mindset, I can get through it & every thought as we know constant racking it off with nah it's the beast.

Same as what you said atm I'm sooo tired but hacking and these posts are taking me an age. We need to be thinking yeah hard but we can do it and you did & well too. Taking soooooo lonnnnnng though 🙂

Yes I think emotions are a result of thoughts. (both) So a thought happens, how I've been taking emotion out is trying not to allow acknowledgement of the pain. But if it does happen which has been sometimes lately, I've been saying yeah & that hurt yrs ago, I'm NOT gunna hurt again on it. (know it's the beast wanting me to hurt) Working so far.

Anything you don't understand I'm quite happy to rephrase or reiterate darl, I've a lot to say and not good at it but hopefully here and writing/reading it'll happen.

I think depression's an emotion, bought on by thoughts. Could be wrong but it's emotions that make us feel depressed. It's an illness as far as I know but as opposed to physical pain we have a chance at change with mind control.

Quote-Grandy depression is everything ugly and evil tied up together and shoved into my brain.
Kaboomb, in a nutshell. The beast

Quote- Can we seperate emotions from mh or are they all stuck together.
Imo stuck together but yes, by gaining emotional control we can separate.

Truth Grandy, your questions are thought provoking which is great, what we need to do and very pertinent to healing. You go girl, you're on your way up xx

When I say I'm hacking, being bombarded but hacking.


which is another thought after the first one. A thought we can't stop I don't think, well maybe later with different mindset they'll come less often the downs

Recently realised there's at least two parts to depression, ( how to explain urghhhh the thoughts & the feeling that smothers us) ok this is without all the side kick demons low self esteem, worthless etc).

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello DB,

just wanted to thank you for answering my question🤗🤗💗🦋.

please look after both your mh and physical health. make sure healthy veggies n fruit, as well as, as much sleep as you can.

Kind thoughts GG. (Granny)

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Thx lovely xx

All good, pretty use to this rot, making me stronger but it wouldn't if I wasn't working through it.

Same for you, you'll see

Thx on PC so can't play with emotes 😞 but (((souls))) dear lady

Btw Keep doing what you're doing here hun, loving your spirit, taking it by the horns (Y) facebook (fb like

Great to see lovely Granny here. What a bonus.

Db, you are waiting a big downer.


Topic: depression, the timing of motivation- beyondblue

Tony WK