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Trust and depression

Community Member

New to Beyond Blue and hope I am able to shed some light & help myself also...21 months ago due to backyard accident, I sustained severe head trauma, resulting in hospitalisation & rehabilitation and a late diagnosis of Dissociative Amnesia in where I lost my entire and complete memory, which also led to  severe depression. along with other issues....I remembered no one in my family what so ever, not my children or siblings or even my partner, or my life but due to my family and my children, they were able to fill in the blanks for my medical team of my past history of depression, which I found out I had suffered on and off for many many years....Most recently due to dissociative amnesia, my depression has a strong hold, and often there are days when walking out the front door is just not an option, I would shut myself away from the world and refuse to talk about things..I had problems dealing with just day to day  stuff,  relearning my life  how to walk, look after myself, relearn about the world outside, relearning  technology, learning about my past life and discussing it....and that was my worst enemy!!... I had no memory of my past life and what I did learn or what I had memory flashes of I had not dealt with in the past ...so they were carried into the future, which along with D.A has caused my severe depression..So...relearning how to open up and try to explain exactly how and why I feel this way is not easy....why you feel you are in a deep darkened hole unable to see any light above let alone found a way out....I was very lucky to have my daughters help and found a very lovely GP with a mental health back ground but still my biggest problem was trust and dealing with my depression by going on medication ( which at first I refused to do as I was unable to grasp the concept of what had happened to me....my hardest battle besides the D.A. is  remembering to trust people enough to be totally honest with how I am coping and confide in them with my daily battles...Opening up and trust is a massive step, some days are darker than others and some days getting out of bed is a struggle, I honestly know that without the help & understanding from family, friends, mental health team and specialists I would be in a darker deeper hole with no way out at all....I do know its a constant battle but its a battle that can be won with trust and the right people on your side....talk ...talk to who ever will listen to you...get it off your chest..open up....

2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Indigo

Welcome to Beyond Blue and thank you for sharing your story.

I cannot imagine how difficult it must be to have no memories of your life pre-accident. And then to re-learn all your skills again must be the biggest mountain to climb. I admire your determination and courage to take this huge journey.

I really have no words of advice to give you, not having been in that situation. I certainly agree with you about talking to others about your depression. Trust is also a huge component and it's not easy in any circumstance. I am pleased you have a GP you trust and feel comfortable with as this makes a tremendous difference. Opening up to the people who can help is fantastic and as I have found out, imperative for your future progress.

I wish you all the best for your future. Please continue to write here as you feel comfortable. I know everyone here will be interested and supportive towards you in your journey

Warm regards


Hello Life is not good..and thank you so much for the warm welcome....

it is true being able to open up your deepest and possible darkest thoughts and communicate to your GP, sister, brother , best friend, Mum Dad Aunt or Uncle maybe even priest/pastor any one who you feel able to completely trust is a great starting point....and its a start and thats even more important...