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Tough times in my head

Community Member
So I've had a pretty bad day with my partner we have been together for 9 months now and I've always had trouble just talking and getting my feelings out and it's kinda exploded today I love and care for him and his 2 kids so much his kids are going through a tough time atm being 8 and 11 but I need some help in my head I feel very lazy and unmotivated to do anything at all I do house work and all I just can't seem to get out and do things I've put weight on been eating too much also I think because I'm unhappy but I just don't know why? Why am I so lazy why am I so un motivated and what do I do to change and help myself so my life with my partner and 3 kids can be happier with life
2 Replies 2

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Freakyfrootloop,

It sounds like you had a very rough day yesterday with many emotions running high. You sound so exhausted and emotionally drained...

Your partner and the kids clearly mean everything to you. I feel perhaps you’re being a little hard on yourself. I certainly don’t think you’re “lazy” as you of it. But rather, I think you’re just someone who is struggling and needs (and deserves) some gentle support and help...

Sorry, I don’t know if you’ve done this already, but I feel a good starting point is making an extended appointment with your GP to assess your mental health. Perhaps you might like to consider this?

I hope we hear from you again. There’s no pressure or course but please know you’re most welcome here. Feel free to ask questions, vent, connect, etc if you’re feeling up to it. There are many caring people here on the forums.

Kind and warm thoughts,


Thank you for some feedback pepper I really appreciate it

I am definitely going to talk to my gp about my mental health and hopefully he can point me in the right direction.