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Tackling a Gambling Problem

Community Member

I wasn't sure where to put this but i am feeling desperate and was hoping to find some people who have had a gambling problem in the past so they can share what they did to tackle it completely.

It has gotten to the stage where i don't feel i should be working because i just keep feeding the addiction. i work hard and then all the money is gone because i am a idiot. Something in my mind gets triggered and decides to convince me its okay to keep going back etc and i also chase my loses everytime. But i know its not about the money because when i do win it goes straight back in. i also Justify my own actions and its just a vicious cycle. I have anxiety and depression but the aftermath of gambling makes it 100 x worse. I dont understand why i cant just stop.

Ive finally admitted i have a problem. I can't talk to anyone else as i know they will definitely not understand.

Any advice would be great. Also i do see a pyschologist but i am even embarrased to bring it up to them.

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello Angie, there has been many comments recently on addiction, but each one has been different and everyone deserves the help they need.
Welcome to the site and thanks for posting your comment.
As you already know that you need to put more money on to try and recoup your loses, or if you do by chance have a win, then you try and double it, all to lose the whole lot.
I have known many people caught in the same trap, however someone in particular who played the machines had won $4000, but he didn't take it out, he lost the whole lot and came out crying poor, but nobody took any notice of him.
I think it needs to be spoken about to your psychologist, they are not going to chastise you but offer alternatives on how you can stop, plus you can google 'help for gambling addiction australia'.
This is an illness that has taken control of you, why or how it began may be a reason that needs to be tackled, but now it's the addiction that needs to be addressed.
I could suggest many ways to help you and what not to do, but perhaps the site I asked you to google has numerous sites to contact, this is good while you're with them, but once alone is where your strength has to prevail.
I'm not sure what type of gambling you do so if you could please let us know, then we can help you further, and I say this because each type of gambling is different. Geoff.

Community Member

Hello Geoff thank you very much for your reply. My gambling problem is with gambling machines, just like the guy who won $4000, that is me. I win a lot at times but i continue to play until its all gone. Ive walked out a few times with money, but then a few days later i return and its gone. It happens so quickly i feel like i am possessed sometimes.

hi Angie, what this chap actually did was that he got himself barred from all gambling venues in all areas within 50 kms.

If you need for it to a greater distance then try to. Geoff.