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Motivation of a newbie?

Community Member

Hi community,

not sure what to do or say, instead of negative feeding on negativity - but reading some of the issues people are experiencing is making me lift some of my spirits.

is this normal? Are my symptoms of possible anxiety or depression not really there?

is it (as my wife says) all in my head?

4 Replies 4

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi PD, welcome

Proper diagnosis is crutial. That will put to bed any guess work and can steer you in the right direction. Its a proven process, GP visit and go from there.

General negativity is different. Becoming a half full person is highly recommended by me. But it takes hard work. For me I had luck in 1982.

Please google

Topic: 30 minutes can change your life- beyondblue

So attend motivation lectures and think positive all the time. And try for a diagnosis.

Tony WK

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Philin Down

Looks like your first post with us, welcome! Hope you find our forums helpful.

I agree with @whiteknight best to check in with your GP as a starting point.

Would be good to know about how you are feeling...What are your symptoms? How long have you had them for?

Reading that you are not alone in the world of mental illness can be very comforting. That is why so many of us are on these forums, helping each other and ourselves at the same time. When I was first diagnosed I knew it was a common illness but it wasn't until I found Beyond Blue that I realised HOW common it was.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Blue Jane

Community Member


being a newbie myself I actually find it heartwarming to read about people's successes and then I find myself thinking about what I would say to some people to make them feel better or at least heard.

while I am struggling at the moment I find it calming to think about helping others even if it's just a what if, and draw comfort from not being alone.

🙂 P

Community Member

Hi pd

Before even going to the GP you can go to https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/anxiety-and-depression-checklist-k10 and go through the questions and you'll quickly know if what you're experiencing is just a brief episode of 'the blues' or depression, and if this is your first time feeling like this, then you're luckier than those of us who've had to deal with these symptoms for years. There's every chance you can get some help early rather than letting things worsen over time, but there will be some effort involved to 'nip it in the bud', as it were.

Best wishes on a full recovery.