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Hopeless and alone

Community Member

I am still struggling with ever day.

I honestly don't feel I'm living anymore and go with the motion of day to day things and eat work sleep. I dont know how long I'll grieve for my little brother as it's been a yr. I still think it's a nightmare and I'm the one who has died and this is hell. As 6 months after I lay my grandpa to rest then as I unwind after work two days after my grandpa's funeral my partner of 5 years walks in the house to state he doesn't love me.. I am lost now with my heart broken so much. I have no feeling but despair. My life has changed so much in less then a year and I feel like I live in absolute hell. At work I am lost and frail. While weekends leave me lonely with no interest.. I feel I just waste my days and let life pass me.. when will this pain and suffering end

3 Replies 3

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Alonewiththoughts....My sincere condolences for the loss of your brother and your Grandpa...x

You are going through a very painful time with what has happened in you life. You have just lost your brother and yes 1 year is still very recent as you know. And then you lose your grandpa and your partner walks in 2 days later and said what he did. You must be in a dark place right now (as you mentioned)

Can I ask you why your partner said what he did? That is so very sad. Do you have a even a small support network that you can lean on in this difficult time? Even one or two people can make a huge difference when we really need someone to 'vent' to.

There are many gentle people on the forums that can be here for you Alone. You are more than welcome to post as many times as you wish.

I really hope you can get back to us when its convenient for you

You are not alone

My kindest thoughts for you


Thank you so much paul.I feel so guilty being this way and hide how I really feel.I pretend I'm fine but as you can tell I'm not happy. I am exhausted from helping my poor dad in this awful time.I make sure I'm strong for dad all the time. I have very few people in my life as I was with my partner for 5 yrs and lived my life with him. So I need to rebuild but I'm not social because work takes it toll on me socially. I want to learn to live again and enjoy but it feels so far away to have happiness. To truely smile laugh and feel anything doesn't feel near

Thankyou for the super kind post Alone

Ive had anxiety and depression for many years and only realised a few years ago that my GP was a legend when it came to me having a vent.

Just a thought if thats okay......If you get along with your GP this may be a great time to book a double appointment and have a really good vent. I see my doc every 4 weeks for a 'tune up'. They have much better training re our feelings than they used to. Its just an idea.....you have everything to gain and nothing to lose by giving it a go.

The forums are rock solid secure when it comes to your privacy Alone. You will live again and enjoy life but making a simple call to your doc (if you wish of course) for a double appointment may work wonders for you in this difficult time.

Sometimes people say that there is light at the end of the tunnel.....which is spot on. Having a good vent to a doc is only bringing the light closer to you,so you dont have to wait so long for the recovery you deserve by doing it alone

We are here for you

My kindest
