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- Such joy ambition finds?
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Such joy ambition finds?
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I thought I would feel proud, successful, good about myself, for an instant as I was told I did, but by the time I was back at my desk there was nothing but sadness…I realised that, there is no one for me to share this good news with, no one to share in my success, no one who would have consoled me had the opposite occurred. I have all this success in my career, yet nothing else, there is no one to go home to, I have all this money and nothing to do with it, no one to buy gifts or surprises for, to take on holiday….just left with the fear that I never will have anyone who really cares about me.
At this time when I should be feeling up about myself, that my skills and abilities are recognised, I just feel what use are they, what is the point, why am I even bothering to succeed in this way or work so hard, I get nothing from it anymore, no one else benefits, it just denies other the opportunity - I reflected on another applicant who lost out because I won, he
has a wife and child on the way…how much more he needs the extra salary than I do…yet he has someone to console him in defeat…I would trade everything I have achieved in life for one moment of that, yet who can offer such an exchange?
I know others struggle to get or keep a job, here I am with a good one, vast resources…yet its still not enough…is there no limit to the emptiness one heart can hold? I can tell these events are edging me back towards a depressive state, I've been there before for other reasons, yet how many more times can i find ways to soothe the different causes...I start to toy with the thought, perhaps 'tis better to reign..... Has anyone else had such a situation, where their successes only embitter them more and lay bare critical absences? How did you deal with it etc.?
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I'm also like you in the friends department, I dont have anyone I would call a friend. I do know one thing though. I wouldnt be able to keep going if it wasnt for my caring family. They keep my head above water. I'd hate to imagine what would happen if I didn't have them. So maybe you need someone you can talk to?
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Ah Teal Shy guy, I feel so terrible you’re suffering in that way…it’s a horrible emptiness I wish no one else had to experience…alas there is no comfort even in the company of those who know the pain of valentines that never came, and whose names were never called when choosing sides at basketball….you wake up every day thinking ‘maybe today, maybe today’ and like some fool go to bed every evening thinking ‘maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow’, I always imagine it like some sad old painting of a lone figure waiting on the rocks by the sea for a ship that never comes…ever tempted to just leap into the churning waters.
It makes sense that is all you’d think about…you think a lot when you’re on your own…it’s a normal thing to want and to be frustrated in that desire....it cripples you it really does…and it sounds like even with your family’s support it barely gets you through, makes me doubt any kind of friend could ever be of any real aid to me....although ironically hearing from you, someone else who understands does in a horrible way help...though I wish there was no one suffering such as you are.
I think in the end there is just no substitute for what we two both want, I can tell you no amount of praise of validation I’ve obtained at work ever compared to that I got from Her when she was still Queen of my Nights. I wish I could give you what you want, I truly do...to give us both the world that we long for, and the love all our money can't buy.
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Hello Dorian Gray,
I can relate only too well. I found myself in a very similar situation to your own; a recent promotion and recognition of a skill set I have spent many years honing. I should feel far more grateful than I do at present and it's not that I don't appreciate this recognition...it just feels empty.
I'm trying very hard to come to terms with life as it presents itself: on its own terms and some days I succeed and at other times I fail quite miserably I'm sure! Sometimes I wonder if what I feel isn't symptomatic of a much larger issue in our society: lack of meaningful connection.
I struggle with superficial exchange, not that I don't love playful banter and the lightness of easy exchanges. But it hits deeper than this... for me it's being able to share a vital part of myself with another, colours I wish I could share with an intimate easiness I've yet to truly experience.
I am blessed in so many ways I know and I try to stay mindful of this and keep my face tilted towards the stars instead of looking at the slow movement of my feet on days that feel heavier than I would like!
I hope you find some comfort in perhaps hearing you're not alone in this rather strange journey of being human and that you can be sure someone has heard your voice echoing out here in the blue wilderness!
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P. S. I think what I hear in you is perhaps what I hear in myself; the search for the beauty of the moment when one soul recognizes another and says: "oh I see you, I hear you, I feel you, I know you and I value all that you are". It's the value of shared experience, shared connection and the feeling somewhere we belong that doesn't count on our busy doings, just the beingness of ourselves.
I'm not sure if this speaks to where you are..I hope it does. Don't give up Mr Grey, even on stormy shores where a lone figure may walk, there is someone in the lighthouse who watches and still shines a light. Maybe a little like this forum, little flashes of light that light up the darkness and move us closer to safety and away from the jagged rocks that the feeling of depression can sometimes bring. Hope to hear from you
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Thank you for your thoughtful response…yes there is something to being ‘lonely together’ – hearing about others with similar issues…I wouldn’t say it’s comforting as in some ways it fills me with more sadness that others are suffering…but you’re right, perhaps there is some solace that my words don’t just echo in a well of silence.
It is a strange feeling to be recognised for something and feel so empty…perhaps because ultimately it’s not what really matter to us the most, it just doesn’t make up for the other things we lack, and yet we’ve spent so much time and energy on it...you worked hard to hone your skills but even when that is acknowledged your left with a question of 'why'.
There is something you your point about the superficiality of much interaction – and while there are many people who have a deeper interaction with somebody, or many bodies, society doesn’t do well I think in finding a place for those of us who can’t find a somebody…we who have nothing and no one just watch from outside our noses pressed up against the cold window pane…and it’s very hard to get back inside.
A lighthouse, perhaps…but not all coasts have them, sometimes they simply don’t exist to begin with….Especially if the Stars Are Against You Tonight….

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