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Struggling with some proper strong mood swings

Community Member

Yeah just really having some strong, fairly major mood swings. Which are starting to yeah I guess worry and definitely faze me. Too much Call Of Duty to borrow that word faze aha recently, anyway yeah that is hard to deal with. Anyone got good distractions in terms of music/podcasts even for example, just in general. Sometimes can push through it in fact kind of often, but not at the moment 

1 Reply 1

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear StephenP12~

Welcome back to the Forum. Mood swings are very unsettling but can be caused by a lot of things and it does seem like it would be a good idea to get them diagnosed. I've had them from both physical and anxiety/depression. Plus there is of course difficult circumstances causing too much stress.


They are a worry and looking at and treating the basic cause would be the way to reduce them. So can I suggest you seek medical assistance. I could never imporve by myself and it did take outside help for things to settle down.


I can understand your wanting distraction from problems, they make life so unpleasant, in fact I think I remembering you wanted it before for another matter.


Apart from the previous things I mentioned before the had helped me the only other thing to say is that practicing mindfulness can help you cope. I use Smiling Mind, which has a whole bunch of exercises catering to just about everyone. It takes practice but then is surprisingly effective, leavng one calmer and breaking up moods.


Good luck with it

