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Struggling again, not able to get out of bed and go to work, getting tired of the highs and lows

Community Member
Hello, I was diagnosed with mild depression a few months ago, if I am totally truthful I've had depression for a long time but wasn't honest with myself, my family or doctor. I've always been a strong person who puts everyone else first, troubled by childhood trauma and family issues I decided to take a career in social work, helping others to make positive changes then 2 years ago I went off sick for work related stress and anxiety, went through the battle if work cover with my employer and really messed around by various managers in my organisation that turned into bullying, this only made my recovery worse. I returned to work 12 months ago into a role I did 8 years ago and feel totally deskilled and devalued which had only made me feel more depressed. I have battled through, even took up running which has been my saviour but then the depression became worse a few months ago where I just didn't feel like getting out of bed, this happened for several days so I went to my doctor who prescribed me medication and said that I was experiencing mild depression as a result of the work situation and the way my employer had dealt with it. I feel totally hopeless and down on days like this when I can't get out of bed and go to work, even though I know I will feel better, it is easier to hide away at home. The medication is helping, the running is still there but it's my low mood that occurs without warning and simply knocks me off my feet.  Here I am lay on the couch watching daytime TV. I feel guilty as my partner worries about me, I want to be myself again, the person I was 18 months ago, however, I am starting to accept that I may not be that happy fun loving person again. Does anyone have advise or their stories to share with me about how to deal with this and your road to recovery. Are there any good groups in the Melbourne area that people meet face to face and share their experiences as depression can be isolating. 
11 Replies 11

Community Member

Hi Scarlett. How are you doing this week. Managing to do a few things? If not, so what. It's not the end of the world. I'm not feelling well this week so I have an excuse to stay in bed and sleep. Keep running a temperature and getting all sweaty and have to keep taking panadol for a very bad headache.


Tomorrow I will go to my sister's place to celebrate her birthday and mine. I hope I am well enough for that. I will go anyway if if I don't feel all that good. Feel rasaonably happy today though which is somerthing. Rather bored though but not motivated to do anything..

Interested to hear how you are progressing and feeling.



Community Member

Hi Comet, good to hear from you. Is it happy birthday for tomorrow? Sorry you are not feeling 100% but push yourself to go out tomorrow and you will feel bette especially seeing your sister. Just watching a very cheesy programme, wipe out on Chanel 22, when I feel down I watch this and it's difficult not to smile at people falling off obstacles. I like your attitude relating to not doing much, then it's not the end of the world, you are so right. 

Feeling ok thanks went back to work Thursday, 2 days and dreading going to work tomorrow, need to speak with my manager about support it's not good feeling like this all the time. The cold weather doesn't help, it's rained continuously today, a good excuse to stay in bed all day! 

i hope you feel better soon and enjoy celebrating your birthday

take care
