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Rheumatoid Arthritis and Depression - How Do You Cope?

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Everyone....and Readers of the forums too!

I was only asking as I have a close friend that has Rheumatoid Arthritis and has developed clinical Depression/Anxiety as a result. I have had chronic anxiety followed by depression for years and doing okay..... yet am at a loss where Rheumatoid Arthritis & depression is concerned

Any advice/counsel would be greatly appreciated on how people cope with RA and Depression/Anxiety

Thankyou for taking the time to read my post 🙂


27 Replies 27

Community Member
Thanks Blondguy:). One more thing. Treat wheat like it's an allergy. A bite of a sandwhich/splash of gravy has the same affect as eating a whole pizza. It needs to be eliminated completely. Read labels - even cans of tomatoes or bacon can contain little bits of cheeky wheat.

Hey Paul readers and everyone here ☺

My full sympathies to people with this cruel painful ailment

I heard just the other day about this and noted but theres a word I'll asterix which I'm not sure if its supposed to be no instead of not.

Rheumatoid arthritis;

Half ltre of low sugar cranberry juice a day for 90 days

*Not placebo inflammatory markers went down ( I think it's meant to say inflammatory markers went down because I was thinking that's really good)

41 people trialled and felt better less swelling and pain

Also a girl I know was going to hydro therapy is where I learnt the cruel pain of this. I saw her yrs later not that long ago and she's a different person so happy and free. They got her meds working so there's hope people.


Community Member

Hi blondguy,

I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis almost 12 months ago to the day, although I had had it for a few months before given a definitive diagnosis through blood tests.

Later that year after struggling through it and the pain, a major depressive episode occurred in November, and am currently on antideppresants which seems to be controlling it now. This does not interfere with the other medications for RA.

I have had a couple of major depressive episodes earlier in my life, but not for a long time, so this was definitely a trigger and enough to push me over the edge.

Once you read all the medical literature, and digest this new disease that hits you in middle age, you realise it is incurable and not something that anyone would want.

Having to battle through this is not fun, as a lot of activities are now restricted, and even trying to exercise can be very difficult.

Rheumatologists are very clinical about the disease, and not really equipped to deal with these other issues, so have not even involved him in this.

Hopefully your friend can get the right help.


Hi DerekHV, Pauly and everyone.

Welcome to the forums ☺

I'm sorry you've such a raw deal with health, nasty stuff. Wow do I understand properly that the Anti depressants (AD'S) have helped get it under control which is fabulous news.

Stress is SO Wickedly dangerous to our physical and of course mental health (mh) and or could be something in the meds helping to alleviate pain.

Yes it's very hard to lose body movement it changes lives in a huge way. Big adjustments. On that note I'm wondering if you might already do, to help unload stress and have understanding talking to a mh professional. They're well connected for possible aids as well or you probs have discussed with GP.

Sounds like you've researched this well. A point although I can't remember her age the one I was talking about, I don't think she was middle aged assuming these days it's still in the 50's? Have a feeling she was in either mid/late 30's or earlyish 40's.

To my understanding the bodies immune system turns on itself.

Agree not at all something easy to live with.

All the best to you Derek ☺ and I really hope you get more improvement in time.

Btw the AD I recently started takes I think 3 ish wks to kick in and chemist said at 6 mths it's fully effective or similar to that. Others I've heard take around 6 to 8 wks to kick in.

Thanks for your input.

Have a good day everyone 🌴

Hi Everyone and thank-you for your helpful input!

Hey GRT123.....I made some serious notes when you mentioned wheat... and thanks heaps too....Can I ask how long you have had RA? Its a seriously crap immune system illness

Hey DB....Im sorry I missed your post on March 15.....Very helpful information on the low sugar Cranberry Juice.....and thank-you heaps for the info re the inflammatory markers too....Is low sugar Cranberry Juice better as there are less carbs? Just asking as I am trying to understand. I didnt know you had RA....I know that RA is like anxiety and it effects people differently......ThankU big time for picking up on this thread and welcoming DerekHV too

Hi DerekHV....Your help on this vile auto immune illness is greatly appreciated and just to clarify....My close friend is 51 and has been diagnosed with RA since her mid 40's and it has had a profound effect on her mental health with depression. Her fingers and knuckles are now disfigured and it breaks her heart. She has a regular infusion of a med now similar to Humira....if that makes any sense

Derek...being diagnosed only 12 months ago is still very recent for you.....and just the word 'incurable' gives me a chill....not to mention your diagnosis of course. (with respect)

You have taken the time and strength not only to share your own pain and anguish yet have supported me as well and for that I thank-you from my heart

Just to provide you with my background (so you know who you are posting to) I used to have chronic anxiety attacks for 13 years followed by depression for a further 20 years and am in recovery albeit slowly yet getting there:-) I am ignorant where RA is concerned.

The person I am writing about has been a rock for me for 20 years with my chronic anxiety attacks....Her nickname is 'Pixi' as its important you and other members know this instead of 'my close friend'. Pixi is taking SSRI's for the depression as well as the RA meds

We are fortunate to have you as part of the Beyond Blue Forum family....It would be great if you could stick around the forums (only if you wish of course!)

Thank-you for your heartfelt understanding and care DerekHV.....Demonblaster and GRT123

you are amazing people

my kindest thoughts for you and your health DerekHV


Hi there Pauly and all ☺

Absolute pleasure ☺ thanking you too for another excellent thread. Very good of you doing this for so many including your amazing friend.

No buddy thankfully I don't suffer from this debilitating condition.

Good question about the Cranberry juice and carbs. I'm not sure budz, unfortunately I can't remember where I read it
Next time I'll try to remember to add in my posts where info came from.
Potentially help people for further research and/dismiss as false info though this sounds factual.

The next comments are a theory I have which I think has a lot of validity.

It's known as fact how powerful and dangerous unresolved for want of a better word stress is on our entire being... mind and body.
Bare with me here 🙂 deviating from the thread topic to make my point and in response to your interesting comment about anxiety and rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

I believe not if... but when we learn how to manage stress which is inevitable in everyones lives a great chunk of mental health (mh) issues (I'm unsure of all terminology) as opposed to mental illness will be significantly reduced or/overcome completely.
EG; anxiety is a mh health ? issue/?condition as is depression that both in majority of cases can be overcome as opposed to...

Mental illness (MI) to my understanding our knowledge to date it stays with us but can be managed in many cases.

I hold hope that at least some if not more could be overcome too in time with increasing knowledge anythings possible which certainly is good reason for hope.

So in relation to anxiety linked to RA is I think a great deal of our physical and MH is a result of stress. (I'm aware of genetic and other causes for disease etc too)
It's known that it contributes and can exacerbate conditions but I'm thinking ? a cause as well.
I was told stress attacks the weakest parts of the body. Makes sense.

So DerekHV and my friend both are experiencing positive pain relief.
My friends is extreme relief. She's an entirely different person. In a short time knowing her she was a mess understandably (where I learnt how bad it is)
They got her meds right. If I see her again I'll ask if its same as Derek here being antidepressents (AD's)
In Dereks case (👍) as fact his symptoms have improved which backs up anxiety/stress theory and as you mentioned with RA Paul too.

Thanks listening ☺ wishing the best for you all 🌱new beginnings 🕊

Hi Paul/ demonblaster,

Thanks for your words of encouragement.

I am on Disease Modifying Rheumatoid Drugs for the RA + Folate supplements, and not Biologicals at this stage, that is the next step if they don't work, or if the disease activity increases.

Initially I was on high doses of Cortosteriods as well, which can lead to mood swings, but at times strangely gives one a sense of well being. These drugs of course are not good to be on longer term, due to other health problems.

Glad to hear both of your friends are doing ok with the disease, but it is not easy for sure.

6 months of ADs has stabilized a lot of my negative and repetitive thoughts, and some OCD type habits I also used to have.

Thanks again for your kind words, and I definitely will stick around and keep you informed.


Thanks Derek ☺ hi Pauly and everyone

Yes my antidepressants also can help with OCD tendencies I'm glad to hear.

Be good hearing how you get on.

Best of luck matey ☺