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Relapse help
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Today I awoke feeling exhausted again for no reason. This is a familiar feeling, only it has worsened again over the past few months. I know this way of life, I have battled and thought I had won... but it seems that the feeling of rapid heartbeat and quick anger can never truly be forgotten. A simple morning as many other before, my loving partner holding me, the kids being kids as they argue about nothing every morning.
Then there is me, swirling and churning inside my head. A thousand thoughts colliding and rebounding off one another. I can't hear anything and it feels like I am falling...
Yes, I remember this daemon. I remember it well.
For years I tried to blast it away, drinking and smoking until sleep finally took me. Then I got clean. Clear, calm and collected. Relaxed.
Today, for the first time in a long time. Today I feel it on my back again. Crushing the life from me. Was it ever truly gone? How can it be back?
As I look into the loving eyes of my partner, she is always there. Ready to catch me, but how do I tell her about this infection? This metaphorical cancerous entity that has one hand around my heart and whispers destitute into my ears? How do I tell her that I feel this way? Why do I feel this way???
Life is good to me, I work full time, have a partner who loves me and kids that see me as a role model. My family is great. We have always had a roof over our heads and never missed a meal... but this pressure on my head is killing me. I can't go through this again and I do not wish to put them through it either... Emotions never were my strong point, but I feel great love and appreciation for them. Losing them would be like losing my own soul.
If I knew how to ask for help normally, I would. I have tried the tablets, but they fixed nothing. I have tried counselling, again they fixed nothing. This has been fluctuating on and off for the best part of 20 years, I can't go through this again.
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Hi Broken stooge, welcome
I tried 12 tablets before I got one that worked well. Been on that for 7 years now and life's great and stable. We are all different but never give up on finding the right meds for you.
Could you reduce to part time work? Some sufferers need to realise they cannot maintain full time work. - just a thought.
Sorry I cant be of more help.
Tony WK
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dear Broken_stooge, depression is the curse of the world, sure there are many other illness's we hope to never get, but with depression even when we have been able to overcome it, it still stays with us, ready to flare up at any time, and yes, it's not what we would ever want, but it's a shadow that follows us around.
I can't say this for everyone, but with me, when I have a relapse, I know that it will be over within a few days, however this doesn't make it any easier when I do fall down, but I think about what I have learnt from my depression, in other words what helps me and what certainly what doesn't, so you have to try and rethink of how you overcame it last time or any previous times.
I can do this because I live by myself, but when you have a family you have two worries; how not to upset the family and how you can focus on overcoming it once more.
Can I ask if you remember how many relapses you have experienced, because mine happened when I lost my puppie I had for 18 years and when I had to move house. Geoff.
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Hi Broken stooge,
relapsing can literally feel like the end of the world. We feel like we're past the constant seeking of hedonism that consumed our lives but in reality we have an addiction that stays with us always and can rear its ugly head at any moment. You have a disease that is addiction and the only person you hurt by beating yourself up about it is you. I know when I relapse it's as if I've done the world some giant wrong but I have to remind myself that I'm unwell and although I do my best to control my addiction, sometimes it will get the better of me.
Also like somebody else said, it takes a while until you find the right combination of therapy and medication for some people. For me I had to see 6 psychologists before I found one I connected with. I've also tried 14 medications but I've been on my current anti-depressants for 2 years now and they work a treat. Keep looking brother, there are always more possibilities than we think there are.