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Obesity and mental anguish

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Your GP tells you that your Body Mass Index calculation puts you in the obese range. Or perhaps like me once I read a referral and in it is that word "obese". How demoralising!

BMI is- "The body mass index or Quetelet index is a value derived from the mass and height of a person. The BMI is defined as the body mass divided by the square of the body height, and is universally expressed in units of kg/m², resulting from mass in kilograms and height in metres".

So basically if you are short and large for your height your BMI will be high = obese.

While it is a calculation that is accepted in the medical profession how does this help those of us that acquire a mental illness or are simply sad about being overweight? Well if you are like me, I leave the clinic more upset than when I walked in which takes me to the nearby bakery to swarm around some donuts to repair the shame.

What is the ways we can overcome this problem? Here is my method-

  • Doing the best you can with that old aged remedy, more exercise and less food consumption. Lets get that in perspective - eat healthier, limit junk food and walk daily.
  • Accept you'll never be a slim person. This effects females more than males.
  • Focus on you capabities not your restrictions
  • Dont make your excess weight a bigger issue than life itself. Your personality, kindness, compassion etc is of greater importance
  • BMI is a calculation for the benefit of those that dedicate their lives to helping others. It indicates to them that you need such assistance. Its purpose is not to shame.
  • If your GP is slim, like most other slim people he/she might drop words that are offensive. Accept that if you were slim you might not relate to overweight people either nor our sensitivities.
  • As a man women that are overweight can look attractive with how they dress but how they laugh with their bubbly personality - well I just want to cuddle them. Accept you have the capacity to be as attractive as anyone else.
  • Discount the judgemental. We do this to people that dont understand mental illness or are cruel. We reject those that hold prejudicial views on race, sexuality and religion then stand proud and ignore them.
  • Love animals. They love you back unconditionally
  • Admire yourself for your achievements
  • Order only one donut
  • Keep physically active
  • Love friends and family. Everyone adores affection. Ask people questions about themselves- they'll love you for that.
  • Leave the BMI in your medical file at the clinic not in your mind.


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