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Nobody loves me

Community Member
So I am in a group chat with my two friends who are dating. They are always so cute to each other and it makes me so happy to see them so happy together. One time when they were being all cute and stuff they guy sends a voice note of him singing "I love you a bushel and a peck" from Five Feet Apart. It was at this point when I got down for some reason. The girl was crying cause she was so happy and I was just kinda listening now. They continue doing their thing, but the real breaking point for me was when the guy said, "I told u I would send u to the moon." I just couldnt hold it in. I feel so lonely and empty. No one will ever love me like that and it hurts knowing that. My "girl friend" broke up with me after one day cause she liked someone else before I asked her out but she said yes. The whole time we were dating she was talking about how she was over this guy and that she likes me. The damn morning after we first got together she says I like the other guy still and idk if I can make it stop. Then her friend started sending me messages saying that she liked the other guy more than me and that I should break up with her if i was a good friend. She eventually told me this which just shattered my heart. At this point Im convinced nobody can love me now that I had my emotions just played with right there. I dont know what to do anymore
2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear thatpersoncody,

I get the impression, or feeling from your post, that you may be quite young, yeah? I could be wrong on that. But if you are quite young (as in a teenager) then may I suggest that this 'never' style of thinking is unhelpful, and highly likely to be highly untrue! While it may be very natural to think in extreme kind of terms, such as some things are 'never' gonna happen or 'always' happens, etc., it's not actually accurate. As in yes, things happen that are good, and other things happen that are not so good, but nothing lasts forever. Even love itself will ebb and flow over time ..... it will rise and fall, just like the tides of the ocean.

Maybe you could check out the space that is specifically for young people, and connect with others your own age, and hopefully know that you are not alone, and that there are plenty of people out their who understand.

And reaching out on here, is a great place to start to learn how to deal with the days when not everything goes to plan.

Hope you stay around here for a bit, and find some peace and contentment soon.

Take care. xo

Community Member

have the same problem,no one in my family loves me and I have a few people who want me to drop dead,Including my brother.I feel like we are on the same page,I am alone and empty aswell

we can be friend