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Lost my Mum

Community Member

My Mum died in December 5 days before Christmas. I thought I was doing okay but I'm so exhausted and little things that wouldn't usually faze me seem to feel like huge problems. I'm normally upbeat and positive but right now I can't seem to find the silver linings. I've never felt like this before, I can't even make a simple decision.

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white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome


It's only been a few short months and as individuals we all take various amounts of time to recover enough to function near normal. We also have our own intensity of grief, we are all unique where it comes to such loss.


So essentially be kind to yourself and please try to accept that your grief is negatively effecting your mind. Being a positive person you are likely to one day soon wake up and rebound a little, this will be the sign of better days to come.


Here is a post that might help. 






Those dark clouds hide the silver linings of which you seek

But they will reappear one dawn in the coming weeks

Of fun and laughter that your mum still dreams for you

That's all she does now- is hoping your dreams come true


And the butterflies will still flutter around the cabbage patch

There will be no other lady that will be a better match

For her love and care from the day you were born

Just like a mother deer and the love for her baby fawn


What would she want more than anything you seek?

Only the best for you even though you feel so weak

Stormy times but soon the sun will begin to peak

Those dark clouds hide the silver linings that you seek...

