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Losing the strength to fight it.

Community Member
Hi. Im Sue. Im 52. Ive had depression most of my life. Ive learned heaps through psychotherapy and did improve on the meds i started 20 years ago. However, i struggle with feelings of meaninglessness and hopelessness most of the time. I push myself soooooo hard to eat, shower, exercise and do the basic stuff, but frequently (like right now) i just get sooo tired of pushing. Go for a walk, get out of the house, just do it, call someone, see the dr, do some craft, meditate - whats the point. Im so tired. What do you do when you push push push all the time and do all the suggested things but just run out of strength to make yourself do anything? I spend way too much time on my own and as of just recently i no longer do the very part time work i used to do. Im very relieved to not have the stress of having to work but I guess it's allowing me to isolate more. I'm just so tired. So tired.
4 Replies 4

Community Member
Dear Dirigible. I'm so sorry to hear about your suffering. I have no answers but I'm not suprised you feel exhausted as what you are suffering is terribly exhausting especially as it's been going on for so long. Are you still seeking professional help to support you through this? I hope you will be ok x

Community Member

I can really relate to the feelings of meaningless and hopelessness.

It’s amazing how such little, everyday things like eating, showering etc. become a huge task. Things I continually put on the back burner.

Thank you LoisFly. I have a good psycholgist, gp and help from my local community health centre. Im a bit worn out by medical appointments though.

It seems to take all my energy just to do the basic things. I rest a lot but feel guilty about it.