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Losing my mom

Community Member

My mom died about two weeks ago and I was overseas so was not with her. I flew back straight away but she had already gone. It was very sudden. My mom was my best friend, I talked to her every morning and every night, she was my whole world and now she has gone. The pain I feel is unbearable, it’s constant and debilitating. I can’t imagine not seeing her again and it’s killing me. I just don’t know how I will get through this, it feels like it is impossible.

5 Replies 5

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Welcome eyesclosed,

So sorry to hear this, much love to you and yours.

Words are useless at this point, I send you giant hugs. I hope you can be somewhere...safe and comfortable.

You will bear this, it won't kill you, you will get through. It took me forever, to think of my mum with love and not loss. She lives forever in your heart.

Much love, Jack

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi eyesclosed

My heart goes out to you It must be so raw still . But know that she is now looking down on you and would want to see you smiling . So do stay strong but just take your time with it . We are all here for you whenever you need a ear or a shoulder to cry on .

Warm hugs and stay well and keep in touch .

Community Member

Hey eyesclosed,

It is understandably tough. It is great you're able to reach out to this forum to express how you feel. It's important to be able to get out what is currently making your heart ache. Please feel free to continue coming back here - there is a mountain of support. Continue seeking out those who can comfort you.

Best wishes.

Community Member

Hi eyesclosed.

I hope you get to see these replies. I lost my mum ten years ago. She was my best friend and it broke my heart to lose her. I feel from your post how much pain you are in. It’s so difficult to imagine that she is gone.

Please be kind to yourself and seek help from the support line if you need some kindness and understanding.

While it seems impossible right now, one day you will feel happiness again. And one day, memories of your mum will make you smile, not ache. But now is the time for grief and that’s ok.

If you feel up to letting us know how you are doing, I’d love to hear from you. Hoping for peace in your heart. x

Community Member

Hi Eyesclosed,

So sorry to hear about your mom.

My mother passed away two months ago. I can understand how you feel at the moment.

I hope you find someone to talk to express your grief. Stay strong and it’s okay to be sad, don’t hide it.

Take care