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Having a bad bad day

Community Member
I feel buried under sadness and unable to surface for air, feel I can’t breathe how I hate sadness inside and long for the joy I used to feel most of the time. What happened to trigger this low day, who knows!!!
7 Replies 7

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Gilip,

I just wanted to say that I hear your distress...your sadness sounds absolutely debilitating.

Sometimes, I feel it’s hard to pinpoint why. Bit of a guessing game sometimes...

Anyway, I just wanted to that you’re heard and that your pain and sadness is something that I can relate to...

Caring thoughts,


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Gilip~

I've seen you help others here such as Sloankirby and Jackson, but could not find another thread you started yourself - sorry if I've missed one.

As you would know I'm sure that depression does not always behave as we expect and matters from the past can cast long and unpredictable shadows. They can also make us more sensitive to things we might otherwise be able to deal with. From your nursing experience you would appreciate the value of competent medical care. May I ask if you are currently under treatment? I know I could not improve on my own. If you are a discussion wiht your doctor might help, you regime might need adjusting.

Memories of past joy do make the current down that much worse to bear, do you have anyone to talk with who cares and can help? I know you have a son, would he be a suitable person?

A lot of people, me included, have things to fall back on when things get bad. Books, movies, going for walks. Do you have things like that, things you do enjoy in better times? For me knowing things have always gotten better in the past has been a comfort


Thanks so much for replying Pepper it so helps to feel heard. Today is a little better as I am trying to catch those obsessive thoughts before they take hold. It’s just worry about the future!! It’s crazy how 6 months ago I was ok holding down a management job and then pow everything slips away!!

Community Member
Appreciate your reply yes I am under a good dr and also have a good psychiatrist. I am on ADs which some days seem to help and others not which is when I want so much to crawl back to bed even though I know this is the worst thing I can do!! This was my first post ever though I have replied to others posts!! Yes and being a nurse for 30 years isn’t really helping me at the moment. I know what I should do exercise, eat well have lots of hobbies but doing all that when you feel least inclined is hard to say the least. I hate self pity so I don’t want to go there but feel so lonely sometimes even in the midst of a group of friends!!!

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Gilip~

I'm glad you are getting medical support, even if you get ups and downs I'd expect overall it does help.

Feeling isolated is par for the course as you know. I get a fair degree of physical pain at times and if I'm with others even that forms a barrier - everyone else on the other side. Depression and the mental pain is that much more intense and the barrier even more absolute.

I hope being here with others that do understand is a help. Simple things like needing to remain in bed can be understood and not judged - or more truthfully judged by realistic standards.

Knowing that in theory exercise etc is beneficial is all well and good, but not always possible, particularly if you set your sights too high at the wrong times. That's just setting yourself up for failure and all the self-contempt that follows. I deliberately made no mention of skates, as it seemed to me too big an ask even though you had enjoyed them.

So what small matters can you do, ones that are quite possible when trapped and sad? Even listening to a song you've liked can be a victory. I use 'Windmills of Your Mind". I'm sure you know this, many small successes do mount up and change self perception for the better.


Community Member
Hi there Croix thanks so much I did give myself permission to go back to bed in the afternoon and I watched a lot of tv, strangely I feel a bit better today. Lets hope even better tomorrow x x x Gili

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Gilip~

I think kindness has its own magic. Being kind to yourself eases the constant pressure, and you feel better as a result, or so I believe. It is terribly easy to think when not well that one should behave as if one was. As that is not always possible a sense of failure grows, and with it all the corrosive thoughts of self-blame and hopelessness.

I'm glad you felt a little respite
