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Loosing myself

Community Member

Hi all,

I'm not sure how important this is in relation to other cases but I wanted to reach out for some help.

I was made redundant from my job last August (I was only 23 at the time, now 24). I have been in employed and unemployed since- about 2 months ago I took on a permanent job, out of desperation as I was unemployed at the time. I couldn't be any more unhappy in this current position. I am alone, isolated, feeling unchallenged and overall feeling lost with my overall self. I'm left at a desk for 8 hours a day with my own thoughts where every single day is Groundhog Day. Unfortunately I have attempted to reach out to management (who are interstate- all correspondence is via the telephone or email) and have been brushed off numerous times.

My point being, since being made redundant I feel like I have lost all self worth and who I am as a person. I feel lost, dealing with constant rejection and knock backs is impacting me mentally and emotionally. I have been told I have changed as a person, I'm more negative and I'm not my bright self. I see it myself too.

Its like I'm in a deep dark hole and I'm trying to jump out of it but it's getting deeper instead.

I want a change, but I don't know where to start. I've lost all interest in life itself and where it's taking me even trying to figure out what sort of interests I have is a blank now but I want to change that. I want a chance to prove my self worth but getting knocked down time and time again has now influenced who I've become.

If anyone can offer some sort of advise. It would be greatly appreciated.

1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

I know what I would do- use my time off to find fun and a place to think clearly, like camping even just overnight. Once I bought a $29 tent and took a can of baked beans and two eggs and spent overnight one hour from the city. See we need a balance, an offset to our problems. A change of environment is a good start as well as company that can help like close friends or even here as you have done.

It is important that we feel productive, part of a team perhaps and we feel we are just not "existing". Some people can do that, work in a factory for 40 years in the same routine, others cannot. So in answer to your situation you are more than justified to want to leave. So the answer is to apply for other positions but I'd take on board that 2 or 3 part time jobs is likely a better option as different environments stimulate us and short hours have less drain on our endurance.


Beyondblue topic looking for work- some tips

Beyondblue topic cheap idea- camping

Beyondblue topic Happiness- what should be your goal?

Beyondblue topic holidays

Beyondblue topic the balance of your life

I hope they help. Repost anytime in this thread or those threads above.
