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if you have anxiety are you more likley to also have dysthymic disorder ?

Community Member

if you have anxiety are you more likely to also have dysthymic disorder? i have recently been told by a school councler that the way ive been feeling closer resembles dysthymic disorder , i believe i also have anxiety , i was wondering if i hvae anxiety will it increase my chances of dysthymic disorder ? also any other info on dysthymic disorder would be great .

kind regards Char

2 Replies 2

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Char

Thanks for your post! Anxiety and dysthymic disorder don't quite connect but depression and anxiety do. It is super super common for people to have depression and anxiety together.

Usually when people are diagnosed with a depression disorder it's also known as MDD (or major depression disorder). Dysthymic disorder on the other hand is kind of like a cousin of depression - the main difference between them is that symptoms last longer but are less severe - kind of like a persistent low mood.

There's a little bit of a rundown here -


Hope this answers your question?!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Char,

P.S This might be handy to have a look through. It's all our posts on dysthymia -
