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I think I need help but I don't know what to do

Community Member


So for a while now I've been feeling pretty worthless. I live a pretty active life but I can't do any work (school work), am waking up tired, not sleeping enough, eating poorly, and there is also stuff going on with my friends at school, which makes me really irritable and depressed etc. My main issue is that I think I need help but I'm too scared.

I don't want to talk to my parents about it, and I've talked to one of my close friends but I think I need more help. Can I book a GP appointment if I am under 18? If I want to see a psych I have to go to the GP first in oder for medicare I think. Even still, I'm scared to talk to someone I don't know. I think I'll break down crying straight away and not be able to talk.

Any advice?


5 Replies 5

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi el000927 and welcome to the forums,

First of all as a minor you will need a parent or guardian to attend the GP or a psychologist. Is there any reason you're unwilling to talk to your parents about how you're feeling? If parents are out of tue question I suggest talking to a trusted teacher or school nurse. Many schools have a school psychologist or counsellor you may be able to visit.

This combination of sleep and eating disturbances, is particularly worrying. I do feel a doctor is needed. there's no shame in breaking down. Doctors have seen it all.

Do you want to talk about what's happening at school with your friends?

I hope to see you about the forums

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello El000927, welcome to the forums.

I'm sorry for how you are feeling, and waking up tired, even though you may have had 10 hours sleep is not a good sign, neither is not eating, if you have somebody maybe a sibling over 18 or an aunt who can take you to see the doctor that's what you need to do.

If the doctor suggests that you may need to see a counsellor then your parents need to be informed, and you can only see a psychologist by a referral from the doctor.

If you do see a doctor then write down how you are feeling before you go, then pass it over to the doctor, this will make it easier for you and don't be afraid to cry in front of them, I'm an adult but have cried so many times in front of my doctor/psychologist and I don't feel any shame at all, that's how I was feeling.

Are you able to do the K-10 test, which you can google, it's an indication of your level of depression but can you do it several times, not straight after the other, but different times and days, then take the result with you when you go to the doctors.

You have a lot of support here and all we want to do is be able to help you.


Community Member

Good on you for reaching out. That is great that you have a close friend you can confide in as well. Growing up can be so tough and my heart goes out to you - you are not worthless.

I agree with Geoff and Quercus about seeing a GP as well if you can. Take care and remember that you are not alone.

Community Member

First if all well done el000927! It takes great courage to reach out to people when you are struggling!

I definitely think that you should try and speak to a doctor about how you have been feeling. It took me years to reach out and speak up, and bottling everything up inside and trying to deal with it myself only made it worse.

Family and friends can be a great support network, especially when you are feeling low.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi el000927,

I too welcome you to the forum. You have already received some replies which is wonderful. I would also like to suggest you may like to call the beyondblue support line on 1300 22 4636, they will be able to listen to you and may be able to suggest organisations or people of support in your area.

If talking is too difficult, you could use the chat online service.

Please know you are certainly more than welcome to share how you are feeling here. This is a first step for acknowledging you need help. Hopefully we can encourage you to seek that help.

All the best with your quest for support and understanding.

Cheers from Dools