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I’m struggling and my partner is making me feel worse

Community Member

Hi Everyone.

I’ve had a long battle with mental illness stretching back a few years. However it has worsened over the last 12 months. Resulting in 2 hospitalisations this year. I am getting help from my GP and psychiatrist, I have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, PTSD and dissociative disorder. It’s been a difficult year and due to my depression and hospital stays I found myself unable to leave bed most days and stopped working. Financially I had savings to use until they ran out a few weeks ago. This is not an issue for my partner. His issue is that he doesn’t understand mental illness and doesn’t really care to educate himself. Often he is so understanding and patient, but when I’m struggling he calls me lazy. Today we were talking about building a life that you want and he commented that I haven’t managed to build myself any kind of life so far. It was so hurtful because it’s not true. I worked incredibly hard for the last ten years until my brain betrayed me. On another occasion He laughed at a decision I made years ago that he didn’t agree with, but that I stand by. I asked him to not laugh at my life, he told me if I didn’t want to be laughed at I shouldn’t have made my life such a joke. I know alone these Sound horrible and reason to distance myself, but at other times he can be so compassionate. It’s just that all these comments are wearing me down more and triggering a week long depression each time where I find it hard to leave a dark room.

Advice on a healthy way to handle these feelings is appreciated. How do I stop myself feeling so affected by this stuff?

1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

I'm lucky as my eife also has a mental struggle so we understand each other.

Google these.

Beyondblue Topic they just wont understand, why?

Beyondblue Topic relationship strife? The peace pipe

I would also seek counseling because it seems he has a compassionate side that is worth fighting for.

Good luck, repost anytime
