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I'm so confused about depression

Community Member

My mental health has been declining steadily for a few months. Ive never felt like this before in my life. I was prescribed medication but it made me so ill. Its like I'm not here at all, I've just disappeared and no one even noticed. Its strange. I get a long ok, and then i have a massive meltdown and cry for hours and just want anyone to help me but no one is ever around. When ever I see the psych I'm having a good day, as I can never get in when I'm having a bad day.

No one ever sees my bad days and it makes me feel like I'm making it up.

Does this happen to anyone else?

3 Replies 3

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Bella888~

Welcome, I'd imagine there are a fair few here who have undergone the same sort of thing, so posting on the Forum is a pretty good move.

It looks like you have several things going on, all difficult. The first of course is your medication, which unless you have only just started it does not sound very helpful. It does -as I expect you know - take a while for meds to settle down and be effective. How long is different for each person.

The second is getting your doctor or psych to understand what is really happening. It's unlucky you have felt better when in a consultation. I have had that happen to me and even find it difficult myself to remember everything that had gone wrong.

Have you considered keeping a journal of how you feel, with a daily report, going into detail when you feel bad? It does not have to be great literature, point form is fine. If you take this with you it will be pretty self-explanatory and give a clear idea of what should be addressed.

You did say when you were having a melt down that there was no one there for you. I don't know the facts of course but is it possible you put on a face when others are around and only let go when by yourself? You would not be the first person to do that - I've been that way myself before now.

Do you have people that would care and want to support you if they knew what was happening? If so perhaps you could alert them to the fact you might want to contact them at short notice and to be prepared? What do you think?

You did mention this has gotten worse over the last few months. Can you say if anything has been happening to put extra pressure on you?


Community Member

Hi Bella888

I'll mostly be repeating what Croix has already said, but if you have recently started medication then things might feel much worse before they get better.

I don't want to seem like I'm giving medical advice but in my experience when I first started I was in bed for 18-20 hours every day for almost a week. I couldn't sleep, I sent an awful message at 2am to someone I had been friends with for about a year that drove them away and our relationship never recovered. I ended up taking half pills for a little while and worked up to the full dose.

Did your GP give you any advice on how long side effects might last?

I also felt somewhat better whenever I had a psychologist appointment, I think it's because I was optimistic that I would be fixed. Keeping notes on how you feel between visits definitely might help.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Bella, can I give you a warm welcome.

You say you 'get along OK' so I'm wondering whether you are doing what most of us have done and pretend to everybody that 'there is nothing wrong', but as soon as we are by ourselves that's when we break down.

We know that you have bad days and when you see your psych is no different to when you have to see your GP, the symptoms go away and wonder why you need to see them, but as soon as you leave, back they come.

I'm not going to repeat what has already been said, but I want to emphasise writing down how you feel everyday, your psych needs to see what you have done, what you can't do and what you are afraid of doing or who you can't be with.

Hope to hear back from you.
