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I love someone soo much i want to win here back

Community Member
If the world is not such a bad place can someone please help me
2 Replies 2

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Arun Scaria,

Welcome to BB Forums,

Sorry it's taken so long for you to get a reply..it's no reflection on you at all

I hope I can help you, you sound very distressed. I'm here if you want to talk..I would like to help you, but I don't know in what way you need help.

If it's okay could you tell me a little more about what's going on for you, so I can try to help you.

Kind thoughts,


Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Arun Scaria~

I'm joining Grandy in welcoming you here where there are lots of people who have faced all sort of problems and would like to use their experiences to help those that are facing the same things.

The world can seem a pretty bad place at times, which it is why it was a good move to come here. Being in an atmosphere of care and support is very different to being on your own.

Ad Grandy has mentioned you have not said a great deal, just made a start. From the title of your thread it looks like you love someone but that thing are not going right and there has been a separation.

Would you like to say a bit more about what happened? There are all sorts of reasons why people part, without knowing more It's hard to do more than guess.
