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Community Member
I’m only 13, but feel like I am suffering through some sort of depression. I have researched the symptoms, and can relate, but when I tried to tell my parents they said that I am too young to be thinking like this. I have been recommended to tell a school health officer or counsellor, but am too afraid to speak out, even to close friends. I have attempted some online depression tests which say that I have moderate depression, but I don’t speak out because I am afraid that I am just over-exaggerating and I really don’t have depression, and making a big fuss for nothing. What should I do?
5 Replies 5

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Kairos,

Welcome to the forums, Well done on writing your first post and reaching out..We are friendly and kind and want to try to help you..

I cannot tell you what to do but I will try to suggest a couple of things.

Firstly I think that you should speak to your school health officer, because it doesn't matter how little or how much of depression you have, it really does need addressing.

Please try not to be scared to speak to your school health officer, they are understanding and trained to help you please try to talk to him/her, it's important to look after yourself, and you say your feeling depressed then your school health officer is there to help you....If your parents don't understand how your feeling maybe the school health officer could have a chat with them for you..

Good luck Kairo, Looking forward to hearing back from you and how you got on..

Kind and caring thoughts,


Community Member

Hi Kairo,

Like Grandy said, I think speaking to your health officer is a great place to start. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t sure if what you’re feeling is depression, if having a talk with someone might help then that’s ok.

If it is depression, they can help you start to make some improvements. If it’s not, then nothing lost, you will have gotten some thoughts and feelings off your chest.

Just remember that this is what the health officer is there for. It might be a little scary at first, but it will be worth it to feel better.

good luck.

Community Member

Hi Grandy,

Thank you for the warm welcome. I came to BeyondBlue because I was afraid of telling people in real life. I really want to go see a school leath officer or a psychologist but I feel like because I am 13, no-one would believe me. I am also afraid to ask my parents, as I have left hints and discussed with them a little, but they don’t really seem to care. How do I overcome this barrier? Should I go tell a trustworthy friend first?

Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Kairos,

Im pleased you came here, because you need somewhere safe that you can talk to people.

Kairos, Do you have Grandparents,muscles or Aunties that you can trust, that you would feel comfortable talking with . I think telling a friend about your feelings, fears etc. should be your last option.

Speaking to your school health officer is confidential, between them and you..maybe if you can't tell your parents speak to the school health officer and maybe if you still need to speak to your parent the School health officer might be about to speak to your parents with you present and explain your depression and sadness to them..

Have you asked your parent to sit down with you because you really need to talk to them because you need help..Then tell them straight out how your feeling your fears, concerns, sadness, depression etc...

Please let me know how you get on. Remember I'm here and others are here to help you if we can...

Your problem is important and your not over exaggerating at all, you are very important and special. Remember that at all times...take care of yourself please..

Kind thoughts,


Community Member

Think of it this way. There are - just to oversimplify - two possibilities: either you have depression or you do not have depression.

If you have depression, then you should get onto managing it as soon as possible. It really does make a gigantic difference in how you will manage long term.

If you do not have depression, and you talk to your school health officer, then they will be able to help you figure out what is causing you to feel this way, help you to address it, and you will be able to feel better. And believe me, they would be happy to handle something (comparatively) simple for a change!

Either way, you benefit from having a chat with them.