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I feel like I’m dreaming

Community Member
For a while now I’ve felt like I’ve been dosing off into another world? Like just thoughts over take my mind. Sometimes staring at objects makes them feel really far away when I’m like this. 3 times now I’ve felt like I’ve been dreaming and that nothing was real. I don’t know what’s happening. I am diagnosed with clinical depression and anxiety. Don’t know if that has anything to do with it but I’m just confused and worried. It’s an uncomfortable feeling. In the moment nothing feels real and people don’t seem real. It almost feels like a lie? Idk I’m just very overwhelmed. Would like someone’s opinion on it.
5 Replies 5

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Confusedpotato,

Welcome to the forums and thanks for joining us. I'm sorry that you're having these feelings and it does sound super uncomfortable for you! I totally get that it's overwhelming and I've experienced these sorts of things before.

It sounds like what's happening for you is some dissociation. It's super super common and what happens is that either our brains or bodies dissociate (like detach). Sometimes we might feel like we are outside of our bodies, sometimes it feels like things aren't real, or that maybe we aren't in the front seat.. it can be a bit different for everyone.

Can I ask if you've ever talked about this with anyone before, or if you'd be open to it? Even though it can be overwhelming and difficult, it can be managed too.

I hope this helps

Community Member

Hi confusedpotato, cute name too.

I have experienced this too. It feels very unusual doesn't it. For me it feels like I am waiting almost to wake up. I am no expert, but I have wondered if it some kind of coping mechanism. Like our minds and hearts sort of go on vacation for just a while. A rest from the overwhelming feelings, sadness or anything else in life that we are finding hard to face.

What do you think?

Also I have noticed if I eat too much refined sugar, don't sleep well, don't exercise much, well it makes the unrealness seem worse. Maybe it is something similar happening with you there?

But mostly for me I believe it is deep sadness that can send me into that other world. A way of coping with it. You do not sort of feel it while you are in that other world.

I have shared all this with you in hope you will not feel alone.

And a big welcome to you as well.

Thanks for all the replies! I’d definitely be open to talking about it with someone if it would help manage it. When it happened I didn’t feel sad that’s what confused me. I was extremely happy just in bed with my boyfriend and everything just changed and I questioned if he was real. It’s such an odd feeling but I’m happy that it’s not just me that feels this. It’s just started for me so I’m not sure what triggers it or what makes it worse but thankyou for sharing with me all of this.

Hi Confusedpotato,

I absolutely think that talking to someone can help to manage it - they can have lots of techniques up their sleeve in helping to ground yourself, as well as helping you to think about why this might be happening and what the triggers might be. Sometimes the triggers can be so small we will barely notice, or maybe there isn't a trigger and it's your mind that's kind of reached it's boiling point. Brains are so complicated! 🙂

Hopefully you can find a person that you click with.

Community Member

Hi Confusedpotato (excellent name), thank you so much for sharing.

Your post really resonated with me. I often describe myself as feeling like I'm part of a simulated reality. I can sit on a train and watch others going on with their lives, and feel like I'm in a sad movie montage. I definitely think for me its disassociation, and as Shelley Ann said, maybe a defence mechanism, a way to escape.

I'm sorry that you are experiencing this, but please know you're not alone. I often feel like 'whats the point?'. I guess for me the only thing that helps is trying not to isolate myself (which I often do) and trying to reengage in things I enjoy. I totally get this is easier said than done.

Sometimes just getting out of bed and having a shower is a huge accomplishment 🙂