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I don't understand what's going on.

Community Member
Im new here, joined up today. I'm a 25 year old male, im employed, have a wife and 3 beautiful kids. I'm having trouble with my mind that i don't understand. I getting EVERDAY feelings/thoughts that use to be an uncommon occurrence (every few months). When I was younger I got really bad night terrors where I would half wake up, life wasn't reality and i would feel as though i was looking out my own eyes but being controlled by someone else, at times i slepwalked my fists/head through windows and jumped off balconies. Now what im feeling as of late is not as severe but I'm in a similar headspace. I find myself asking all the "what is life" questions and i freak out as though I am not the one living my own life some of the time and that someone else is going to take over and im going to lose touch with reality or do something stupid. I'm trying to do my best to explain how i feel but its hard to put it to words. I haven't seen anyone i dont understand what is going on or why. I did have some trauma as a teenager my older brother and my best friend died and i dabbled with drugs and depression afterwards, i don't know if that has anything to do with it. Just wondering what i should do? I hate feeling not 100% in control of my life and paranoid something is going to happen to my mind. Thanks
1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Luke the Duke

First of all welcome to our forum and thanks for taking the time to share.

Sounds like your mind is going through an interesting stage. Even though things can be good on the surface ie relationships, work etc, a mental illness can slip into our world.

I recommend the first thing you do is book a long appointment with your GP. If you don't have a GP, that is okay but it is best to find one close by and make time to share with them what is going on with you. They will share some different ideas like a psychologist and exercise. Different things work for different people but this is the best starting point.

I have managed my anxiety and unsettling thoughts for about 16 months now. It took me trying a few different things but I have a nice balance now and I keep my 'out there' thoughts at bay.

Please share how you go with the GP.

Blue Jane